Tags: misc miscellaneous 


## Challenge description:
Something is suspicious about defund's math papers. See if you can find anything in the [network packets](https://github.com/TheEquus/angstromCTF2019-Writeups/blob/master/misc/paper_trail.pcapng) we've intercepted from his computer.

## Solution:
We are given the file: paper_trail.pcapng. Opening this with wireshark, we can see it's a TCP connection of an IRC chat.
By following the TCP stream, we get the following messages:

PRIVMSG defund :I have to confide in someone, even if it\'s myself
PRIVMSG defund :my publications are all randomly generated :(
PRIVMSG defund :a
PRIVMSG defund :c
PRIVMSG defund :t
PRIVMSG defund :f
PRIVMSG defund :{
PRIVMSG defund :f
PRIVMSG defund :a
PRIVMSG defund :k
PRIVMSG defund :e
PRIVMSG defund :_
PRIVMSG defund :m
PRIVMSG defund :a
PRIVMSG defund :t
PRIVMSG defund :h
PRIVMSG defund :_
PRIVMSG defund :p
PRIVMSG defund :a
PRIVMSG defund :p
PRIVMSG defund :e
PRIVMSG defund :r
PRIVMSG defund :s
PRIVMSG defund :}

And with that, we get our flag: `actf{fake_math_papers}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/TheEquus/angstromCTF2019-Writeups/blob/master/misc/Paper%20Trail%20(50%20points).md).