
# Just Letters

## Challenge

Hope you’ve learned the alphabet!

nc misc.2019.chall.actf.co 19600

Author: derekthesnake


## Solution

It is an Esolang with instructions as alphabets.

When we connect to the server, we need to read a flag at memory zero.

Welcome to the AlphaBeta interpreter! The flag is at the start of memory. You get one line:

Let's refer to the C++ interpreter, this is because the provided page is not so detailed.


I will copy out the relevant instructions which we need to print the flag

#### Instructions

// Set memory pointer to start, then put it
// into Reg3 to be printed out to stdout

if ( Program[Position] == "Y" ) { Register4[Mode] = 0 ;}
if ( Program[Position] == "G" ) { Register1 = Memory[Register4[0]] ;}
if ( Program[Position] == "C" ) { Register3 = Register1 ;}
if ( Program[Position] == "L" ) { cout << char(Register3) ;}
if ( Program[Position] == "S" ) { Register4[Mode] += 1 ;}

So we have YGCLS to print the first char

To print subsequent chars, we can repeat GCLS.


It works, but it ain't fun and it is a hacky solution.

$ nc misc.2019.chall.actf.co 19600
Welcome to the AlphaBeta interpreter! The flag is at the start of memory. You get one line:


Alternatively, let's do a loop

// Set position pointer to start at index 1 of YCGLS = C

if ( Program[Position] == "Z" ) { Mode = ( Mode + 1 ) % 2 ;}
if ( Program[Position] == "Y" ) { Register4[Mode] = 0 ;}
if ( Program[Position] == "S" ) { Register4[Mode] += 1 ;}
if ( Program[Position] == "Z" ) { Mode = ( Mode + 1 ) % 2 ;}

// Loop until a null char is reached

if ( Program[Position] == "y" ) { Register2 = 0 ;}
if ( Program[Position] == "O" ) { if ( Register1 != Register2 ) NewPosition = Register4[1];}

We have the payloads...

Effectively, our code will loop and print each char, starting from memory zero, until a null byte is reached

Y # set memory pointer to zero
CGL # print the char at current memory [index 1]
S # increment to next memory pointer
ZYSZ # Loop: setup by making position pointer to index 1
yO # Loop: jump to position pointer of index 1 if current char is not a null byte.

Put to server

$ nc misc.2019.chall.actf.co 19600
Welcome to the AlphaBeta interpreter! The flag is at the start of memory. You get one line:

## Flag


Original writeup (https://github.com/zst-ctf/angstromctf-2019-writeups/tree/master/Solved/Just_Letters).