
Classy Cipher

20 points - 717 solves

Every CTF starts off with a Caesar cipher, but we're more classy.


Source code was provided in the challenge, which looked like

from secret import flag, shift

def encrypt(d, s):
    e = ''
    for c in d:
        e += chr((ord(c)+s) % 0xff)
    return e

assert encrypt(flag, shift) == ':<M?TLH8<A:KFBG@V'

We are given a cipher-text and a knowledge about the logic which was used to encrypt the ciphertext. It is evident that the encrypt algorithm is XOR (Exclusive-OR).

The modulus 0xff ensures what chr data point lies until 255. Now, our goal is to figure out the correct shift, as we know that chr would lie within 255. I can simply brute-force the values.

I quickly code a solver for it

def encrypt(d, s):
    e = ''
    for c in d:
        e += chr((ord(c)+s) % 0xff)
    return e

for i in xrange(0, 256):
  flag = encrypt(ciphertext, i)
  if flag[:5] == 'actf{':
    print (i, flag)

Hence, we retrieve

(39, 'actf{so_charming}')

Flag: actf{so_charming}

Original writeup (https://github.com/utcoalition/Public-CTF-Writeups/tree/master/angstromctf-2019/classycipher).