Rating: 5.0

Drone Motion


We intercepted a drone flying above a restricted area and retrieved a log from its memory card.

Help us find out what this drone was doing above our heads!

Flag must match the regex: INSA{[a-f0-9]+}


This was a simple one we just simply had to plot the values of x, y, z to get the flag.

import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

lines = open("sensors.log").readlines()

coords = []
x_coords = []
y_coords = []
z_coords = []
cur_X,cur_Y,cur_Z = 0,0,0

for line in lines:
    match = re.findall("\[drone\]\(DEBUG\)> dir: \(x=(-?\d.\d+),y=(-?\d+.\d+),z=(-?\d.\d+)\)", line)
    if match:
        x,y,z = map(float, match[0])
        cur_X += x
        cur_Y += y
        cur_Z += z

ax = plt.plot(x_coords, y_coords, '-')
plt.savefig("test.png", dpi=1000)

This would give us the flag

alt text

This challenge was also solved by none other than @unblvr

P.S - In starting for some reason we were confused on with E and F but the later we realized that F's middle line is smaller then E's

Original writeup (https://github.com/mzfr/ctf-writeups/tree/master/INShAck-2019/drone).