Tags: crypto 


# Show me your private key Writeup

### Harekaze 2019 - crypto 200

Our goal is to find the generator `G` of curve. We can factor `n = p * q` by knowing secret key `d`. Also we can evaluate `b` since point `(Cx, Cy)` is also on the given curve. By knowing all the parameters needed for constructing elliptic curve `EC` in sage, we get the following code.

``` python
b = (pow(Cy, 2, n) - pow(Cx, 3, n)) % n
EC = EllipticCurve(Zmod(n), [0, b])

To obtain `G`, we must first know the order `#EC` of `EC`, and get the modular inverse of `e` over `#EC` because of the following equations.

``` python
C = EC(Cx, Cy)
C = e * G
einv = inverse(e, EC.order())
G = e * einv * G
= einv * e * G
= einv * C

However, sage couldn't evaluate `#EC` since `n` was composite(sage gave an error when `EC.order()` was called). We may manually calculate the order `#EC` since we know the factor of `n`. By using the [fact](https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2FBFb0054116.pdf)(fact 4) introduced in this paper, we successfully computed the order `#EC` by the following code.

``` python
assert n == p * q
E1 = EllipticCurve(IntegerModRing(p), [0, b])
E2 = EllipticCurve(IntegerModRing(q), [0, b])
# order of EC: #EC
E_order = E1.order() * E2.order()

Now it is straightforward, evaluate generater `G` and get the flag.

``` python
einv = inverse_mod(e, E_order)
G = einv * C
Gx, Gy = G.xy()
flag = long_to_bytes(Gy) + long_to_bytes(Gx)

We get the flag:


Full exploit code: [solve.sage](solve.sage)

Original problem: [problem.sage](problem.sage)

Output: [result.txt](result.txt)

Original writeup (https://github.com/pcw109550/write-up/tree/master/2019/Harekaze/show_me_your_private_key).