Tags: math netcat python misc 


## Description
* **Name:** [A game of Apples](https://ctf.utsacyber.com/challenges#A%20game%20of%20apples)
* **Points:** 50
* **Tag:** Misc

## Tools
* Firefox Version 60.5.1 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/60.5.1/releasenotes/
* Netcat v1.10-41.1 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netcat/1.10-41.1
* Python 2.7.16 https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2716/

## Writeup
We connect to the machine on IP by Netcat on port 1338

root@1v4n:~# nc 1338
Let's play a simple game, you win if you empty the basket.
[+] You go first
The basket has 967 apples
It's your turn. How many apples would you take [1-9]?
The basket has 958 apples
It's my turn. I take 4 apples
The basket has 954 apples
It's your turn. How many apples would you take [1-9]?
We find a script with a mathematical quiz that needs partial subtractions to get the result 0. If we do not get the goal "Ah ha.You lose.No flag for you." and if we get it, it will give us the flag that has the format CSACTF {...}

The basket has 9 apples
It's your turn. How many apples would you take [1-9]?
We write a simple brute force script that loops until it finds our flag

#! /bin/bash
while :
python -c 'print("\n9"*1000)' |nc 1338 |grep "CSACTF{.*"
We execute the script in bash and in seconds we have our flag;)
root@1v4n:~/CTF/CSACTF19/misc/gameofapples# ./get_flag.sh
Good job. You won. Here's the flag: CSACTF{0n3_4ppl3_tw0_4ppl3_thr33_4ppl3}

### Flag


Original writeup (https://github.com/1r0dm480/CTF-Wr1T3uPs/tree/master/CSACTF19/misc/a_game_of_apples).