Tags: evilbits 

Rating: 5.0

After reading the challenge description we thought of the [evil bit April fools joke](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3514). Especially with the hint about the "non-standard networking". We tried with scapy to send a SYN to the IP address and got a SYNACK back, so we were definitly on the right track.

After some searching we found a [netfilter](https://github.com/alwilson/evil) module which sets the bit.

Loaded the module and connected to the server:

< What's the secret password then?
< The word of the day is lions.
> Every Villain Is Lions
< Welcome to the club evildoer
< fb{th4t5_th3_3vi1est_th1ng_!_c4n_im4g1ne}

After some fast typing skills we were able to get the flag.