
# Hidden Flag

## Description

This image seems wrong.....did Keith lose the key __again__?


## Solution

An error occured when opening the file.

The hexdump of the file give me an interesting line in the last line.

![alt text](hexdump.png)

However, I don't have any idea where to use the key.

After trying a lot of different way to analyse the file, the [xortool](https://github.com/hellman/xortool) catch my eye.

![alt text](xortool.png)

It xor the whole file with different possible key.

The first key it use is literally invisible, and the first [file](xor.png) of the output give us the flag

![alt text](xor.png)


Original writeup (https://github.com/kuruwa2/ctf-writeups/tree/master/HSCTF%206/Hidden%20Flag).