Tags: reversing 


basic-pass-2 (150)


Your company is testing out its new employee portal. After your previous shot, they made the password a bit more secure, so you can't brute force it anymore. Rise up to the occasion and demonstrate why a local machine is a bad idea, and having the account credentials on a remote server is a better idea.

(Attachments: files/basic-pass-2-linux)


Same thing as basic-pass-1. We can run strings on the file and then grep it for the flag.

$ strings basic-pass-2-linux | grep "bcactf{.*}"
Congrats! The key is bcactf{its_another_password}
Original writeup (https://github.com/shawnduong/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2019-BCA/reversing/basic-pass-2.md).