Rating: 1.0
## Write-up: Drive to the Target
Google CTF 2019: [Beginner’s Quest](https://capturetheflag.withgoogle.com/#beginners/)

This is a `coding` challenge about finding the right coordinates of the target: <https://drivetothetarget.web.ctfcompetition.com>

A message tells us whether we are “getting closer” or “getting away” from the target:

The URL has three parameters: `lat`, `lon` and `token`: <https://drivetothetarget.web.ctfcompetition.com/?lat=51.6507&lon=0.0987&token=gAAAAABdEz5ayGhccq-sfNR5MWK4Xv-Q8IH1okHTahnCed-WpxKmPhiDxrR5A0ajVJyjAQdqwKZM1fJ9ZPs3s7g9D8YpAKRDpstfcwQreNLKx453eDL0KywyFS9HV6YQFT6AZtmAE-9e>
`token` contains a timestamp of some sort, which is how the application detects when we are traveling too fast (at least 50 km/h):

One strategy is to travel in one direction (`lat` or `lon`) until we are “getting away” from the target for the first time and then to travel perpendicular until we are “getting away” again. We can speed this up by driving to the target in a straight line.
A little trick helps us determine the direction of the target:
* Remember a specific location’s `lat`, `lon` and `token` values.
* From this point, drive in multiple directions and observe whether we are “getting away” or “getting closer”.
* In between two directions where we are both getting away and closer, the distance between us and the target remains roughly the same.
* Turn 90 degrees to face the target.
The principle is outline here (see the [code below](#code) for the complete solution):
def recalc_angle(self):
last_facing = None
for angle in range(0, 361, 4): # 0: north, 90: east, 180: south, 270: west
dx, dy = move(angle, 0.0001)
response = request(self.lat + dy, self.lon + dx, self.token)
facing = 'away' if response.is_moving_away() else 'closer'
if facing == 'closer' and last_facing == 'away':
self.angle = angle + 88
last_facing = facing
This is only an approximation and introduces some errors (such as assuming a 2-dimensional Euclidean plane), but by recalculating our direction every now and then, we can reduce the time it takes to reach the target to about 40 minutes.
Once we are close enough to the target, we find the flag:

**Flag**: `CTF{Who_is_Tardis_Ormandy}`
## Code
import math
import re
import time
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Finds the target in about 40 minutes.
class Driver:
def __init__(self):
self.response = request(init=True)
self.lat = self.response.lat
self.lon = self.response.lon
self.token = self.response.token
self.angle = 0
self.steps_since_recalc = 0
self.step_size = 0.0001
def run(self):
while not self.response.is_done():
while self.response.is_moving_closer():
if self.response.speed() < 48:
self.step_size *= 1.005
if self.steps_since_recalc > 120:
self.steps_since_recalc += 1
if self.response.is_moving_away():
self.step_size = 0.0001
elif self.response.is_too_fast():
self.step_size *= .99
elif self.response.is_done():
return self.response
def step(self):
dx, dy = move(self.angle, self.step_size)
response = request(self.lat + dy, self.lon + dx, self.token)
if response.is_moving_closer(): # only update location if moving closer
self.lat = response.lat
self.lon = response.lon
self.token = response.token
self.response = response
def recalc_angle(self):
# Sets self.angle to the approximate direction of the target.
# Assumes a 2-d Euclidean plane, which introduces somewhat of an error.
self.steps_since_recalc = 0
print('Recalculating angle ', end='')
last_facing = None
for angle in range(0, 361, 4): # 0: north, 90: east, 180: south, 270: west
print('.', end='', flush=True)
dx, dy = move(angle, 0.0001)
response = request(self.lat + dy, self.lon + dx, self.token)
while response.is_too_fast():
response = request(self.lat + dy, self.lon + dx, self.token)
if response.is_done():
self.angle = angle
facing = 'away' if response.is_moving_away() else 'closer'
if facing == 'closer' and last_facing == 'away':
self.angle = angle + 88
last_facing = facing
def print_status(self):
print(f'{self.response.msg} | lat: {self.response.lat:.15f} | lon: {self.response.lon:.15f}'
f' | angle: {self.angle}° | URL: {self.response.get_url()}')
class Response:
def __init__(self, msg, lat, lon, token):
self.msg = msg
self.lat = lat
self.lon = lon
self.token = token
def is_moving_closer(self):
return 'getting closer' in self.msg
def is_moving_away(self):
return 'getting away' in self.msg
def is_too_fast(self):
return 'too fast' in self.msg
def is_not_moving(self):
return 'you should move' in self.msg
def is_done(self):
return not (self.is_moving_closer() or self.is_moving_away()
or self.is_too_fast() or self.is_not_moving())
def speed(self):
return int(re.findall('\\b(\\d+)km/h', self.msg)[0])
def get_url(self):
return f'https://drivetothetarget.web.ctfcompetition.com/?lat={self.lat}&lon={self.lon}&token={self.token}'
def request(lat=None, lon=None, token=None, init=False):
if init:
link = 'https://drivetothetarget.web.ctfcompetition.com/'
link = f'https://drivetothetarget.web.ctfcompetition.com/?lat={lat}&lon={lon}&token={token}'
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(link).text, 'html.parser')
msg = soup.find_all('p')[-1].get_text()
new_lat = float(soup.find('input', {'name': 'lat'}).get('value'))
new_lon = float(soup.find('input', {'name': 'lon'}).get('value'))
new_token = soup.find('input', {'name': 'token'}).get('value')
return Response(msg, new_lat, new_lon, new_token)
def move(angle, distance):
rad = math.radians(angle)
dx = math.sin(rad) * distance
dy = math.cos(rad) * distance
return dx, dy
if __name__ == '__main__':
driver = Driver()