
# rosegarden - 1000


Rosé is a beautiful singer with a sweet voice, but she is so much busy and she needs more staff to work in her garden.


Visiting the website we can see there are images of girl named `Rose`. And there's a option on `/request` to send some requests which seems the only interesting thing about the website.

After some more recom we find that there's a `robots.txt` on the website and accessing that URL we find `source.zip`


We can download the source using `curl` or by visiting the in your browser.


Inside that zip is a [`app.py`](app.py), Looking at the source we can see that we have to send the request from `` but if we do that we get an error


That's because there are few checks performed in `check_func` function.

async def check_func(hostname, port):
if len(hostname.split('.')) != 4: 0/0

if '127.' in hostname or '.0.' in hostname or '.1' in hostname: 0/0

if inet_aton(hostname) != b'\x7f\x00\x00\x01': 0/0

if not port: port = 80

result = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
tasks = [
lambda u: requests.get(u, allow_redirects=False, timeout=2),
) for url in [f'http://{hostname}:{port}', '']
for res in await asyncio.gather(*tasks):
return False

return result[1] if result[0] == result[1] else False

* `if len(hostname.split('.')) != 4: 0/0`

This checks that the length of the hostname must be `4` or it will raise `dividing by zero error`


* `if not port: port = 80`

If port not given then take port to be `80`

* `if '127.' in hostname or '.0.' in hostname or '.1' in hostname: 0/0`

This check is the main and important check. This check that there should be `127.` or `.0.` or `.1` in the hostname else it will raise `ZeroDivisionError`

This check can easily be bypassed but using the octal or hex representation of ``. We used octal representation for this `0177.00.00.01:3333`


**FLAG**: `ISITDTU{warmup task is not that hard}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/mzfr/ctf-writeups/tree/master/ISITDTU-2019/web/rosegarden-1000).