Tags: beginner reversing 


(fully reversed algorithm)

FriendSpaceBookPlusAllAccessRedPremium (**reversing**)

Having snooped around like the expert spy you were never trained to
be, you found something that takes your interest:
"Cookie/www.FriendSpaceBookPlusAllAccessRedPremium.com" But
unbeknownst to you, it was only the 700nm Wavelength herring
rather than a delicious cookie that you could have found. It
looks exactly like a credential for another system. You find
yourself in search of a friendly book to read.

Having already spent some time trying to find a way to gain more
intelligence... and learn about those fluffy creatures, you
(several)-momentarily divert your attention here. It's a place of
all the individuals in the world sharing large amounts of data with
one another. Strangely enough, all of the inhabitants seem to speak
using this weird pictorial language. And there is hot disagreement
over what the meaning of an eggplant is.

But not much Cauliflower here. They must be very private
creatures. SarahH has left open some proprietary tools, surely
running this will take you to them. Decipher this language and
move forth!

Unzip attachment, see virtual machine interpretator `vm.py` and some
strange code in `program`. Quite obvious, `program` has code for
execution by virtual machine, let's try it:

$ python3 vm.py program
Running ....
http://emoji-t^CTraceback (most recent call last):
File "vm.py", line 180, in <module>
File "vm.py", line 25, in step
File "vm.py", line 65, in jump_to
self.instruction_pointer = self.rom.index(marker) + 1

Ok, it is trying to output some URL, but doing it progressively slow.
We need to understand internal logic of both virtual machine and the
program, then somehow guess what output should it have or speed-up it's

Comment in the `vm.py` directly says that it's simple stack-based
machine, and the list `VM.OPERATIONS` looks quite self-explaining, i.e.:

- this is stack-machine for sure, very similar to Forth, for example
binary operators like `add`, `xor` etc. take top 2 elements of the
stack and put the result on their place (on top)
- there are two accumulators, that act like registers for temporary
storage of integer values
- there is block of memory called `rom` which contains program
instructions, which are can be either operations with their operands,
or static data (integer numbers), or labels (symbols).

Additionaly we can realize the following facts:

- `if marker[0] != '?':` - this marker is prefix of references to
some labels, i.e. positions in source code (address in `rom`)
- `marker = '?' + marker[1:]` - this marker is prefix of labels
- `while self.rom[self.instruction_pointer] != '?':` - this is sort
of `endif` statement: VM executes code after `if_zero` and
`if_not_zero` until see this instruction or some `jump` instruction
- `if self.rom[self.instruction_pointer] == '?':` - it is
designation of accumulator 1
- `elif self.rom[self.instruction_pointer] == '?':` - it is
designation of accumulator 2
- `while self.rom[self.instruction_pointer] != '✋':` - it is some
sort of *end-of-number* symbols, characters before it are
interpreted as 10-based digits of a number, and it is used mainly
in `load` instruction, which obviously loads some constant to one of
two accumulators
- and each digit in each "numbers" is actually a unicode-sequence
which starts from ascii-code of this digit.

First of all, we should try to guess the algorithm by looking on the
execution process. We can modify VM, for example, by adding to it
printing the stack, accumulators and instruction pointer to stdout
before printing of each character:

def print_top(self):
print((self.accumulator1, self.accumulator2,
self.instruction_pointer, self.stack))

And the output is:

(2, 389, 391, [0, 17488, 16758, 16599, 16285, 16094, 15505, 15417, 14832, 14450, 13893, 13926, 13437, 12833, 12741, 12533, 11504, 11342, 10503, 10550, 10319, 975, 1007, 892, 893, 660, 743, 267, 344, 264, 339, 208, 216, 242, 172, 74, 49, 119, 113, 119, 1, 104])
h(3, 389, 391, [0, 17488, 16758, 16599, 16285, 16094, 15505, 15417, 14832, 14450, 13893, 13926, 13437, 12833, 12741, 12533, 11504, 11342, 10503, 10550, 10319, 975, 1007, 892, 893, 660, 743, 267, 344, 264, 339, 208, 216, 242, 172, 74, 49, 119, 113, 2, 116])
t(5, 389, 391, [0, 17488, 16758, 16599, 16285, 16094, 15505, 15417, 14832, 14450, 13893, 13926, 13437, 12833, 12741, 12533, 11504, 11342, 10503, 10550, 10319, 975, 1007, 892, 893, 660, 743, 267, 344, 264, 339, 208, 216, 242, 172, 74, 49, 119, 3, 116])
t(7, 389, 391, [0, 17488, 16758, 16599, 16285, 16094, 15505, 15417, 14832, 14450, 13893, 13926, 13437, 12833, 12741, 12533, 11504, 11342, 10503, 10550, 10319, 975, 1007, 892, 893, 660, 743, 267, 344, 264, 339, 208, 216, 242, 172, 74, 49, 4, 112])
p(11, 389, 391, [0, 17488, 16758, 16599, 16285, 16094, 15505, 15417, 14832, 14450, 13893, 13926, 13437, 12833, 12741, 12533, 11504, 11342, 10503, 10550, 10319, 975, 1007, 892, 893, 660, 743, 267, 344, 264, 339, 208, 216, 242, 172, 74, 5, 58])

The second-to-last value on the stack is obvious iterator, most of the
stack filled by constant numbers from program code, and it seems like
all what program is doing is some "decoding" of this data
character-by-character, one number for one character. And if it quickly
slows down to less than 1 character per minute, what could it become
in the end, where we can see numbers like 101141058?

At the moment `program` and partly `vm.py` are completely
unreadable. We want to have text code (not byte-code and not
emoji-code). Simple python script `convert.py` will do conversion for

import vm
import re
to_replace = [(op, method.__name__) for
(op, method) in vm.VM.OPERATIONS.items()] + [
('?', 'R'),
('?', 'L'),
('?', 'endif'),
('?', 'acc1'),
('?', 'acc2'),
('✋', 'EoN')
with open('vm.py', 'r') as f:
contents = f.read()
for op, method in to_replace:
contents = re.sub(op, method, contents)
with open('new.vm.py', 'w') as f:
to_replace += [(str(d) + r'\S+', str(d)) for d in range(10)]
with open('program', 'r') as f:
contents = f.read()
for op, method in to_replace:
contents = re.sub(op, method, contents)
references = re.findall(r'R\S+', contents)
for counter, ref in enumerate(references, 1):
contents = contents.replace(ref, 'R_{}'.format(counter))
contents = contents.replace('L'+ref[1:], 'L_{}'.format(counter))
with open('new.program', 'w') as f:

Now `program` looks much better, especially after some formatting:

load acc1 0 EoN push acc1
load acc1 1 7 4 8 8 EoN push acc1
load acc2 1 EoN

pop acc1
push acc2
push acc1
load acc1 3 8 9 EoN
push acc1
push acc2
jump_to R_1
load acc1 1 EoN
push acc1
pop acc2
jump_to R_2

load acc1 9 8 4 2 6 EoN push acc1
load acc2 9 9 EoN

pop acc1
push acc2
push acc1
load acc1 5 6 8 EoN
push acc1
push acc2
jump_to R_1
load acc1 1 EoN
push acc1
pop acc2
jump_to R_4

load acc1 1 0 1 1 4 1 0 5 8 EoN push acc1
load acc2 7 6 5 EoN

pop acc1
push acc2
push acc1
load acc1 1 0 2 3 EoN
push acc1
push acc2
jump_to R_1
load acc1 1 EoN
push acc1
pop acc2
jump_to R_6

load acc1 2 EoN
push acc1
jump_to R_7
jump_to R_8
pop acc1
load acc2 1 EoN
push acc2
pop acc2
push acc1
push acc2
push acc1
load acc2 1 EoN
push acc2
jump_to R_11

load acc1 2 EoN
push acc1
load acc1 1 EoN
push acc1
jump_to R_12
push acc1
jump_to R_12
push acc1
load acc1 1 EoN
push acc1
pop acc1
jump_to R_14

load acc2 0 EoN
push acc2
load acc1 1 0 EoN
push acc1
pop acc2
push acc1
push acc2
pop acc2
pop acc1
push acc2
load acc2 1 EoN
push acc2
jump_to R_15
push acc1
load acc1 1 0 EoN
push acc1
jump_to R_15
push acc2
jump_to R_17

Oh, that is something: L_2, L_4 and L_6 are quite identical fragments,
which most certainly decodes their own blocks of numbers, and they use
`acc2` maybe as a parameter so the structure of `program` probably
something like that:

data1 = {...}
decode_and_print(data1, 1)

data2 = {...}
decode_and_print(data2, 99)

data3 = {...}
decode_and_print(data3, 765)


Let's try to decompile hypothethical `decode_and_print()` function:

load acc2 1 EoN
L_2 ; decode_and_print(data, acc2) - data is on the stack
pop acc1 ; from this point it is clear that acc1 can't be suggested as parameter of decode_and_print() - it's value is overwritten immidiately
push acc2 ;
push acc1 ; basically these two operations places the second parameter of function (acc2) to the
; second-to-top position of the stack, i.e. stack becomes:
; [ ... data[2], data[1], acc2, data[0] ]
load acc1 3 8 9 EoN ; the 'address' of instruction to which called function should jump (return) after finish
push acc1 ; push return-address
push acc2 ; now stack becomes [ ... data[2], data[1], acc2, data[0], <ra>, acc2 ]
jump_to R_1 ; call foo() -> stack is modified somehow
xor ;
print_top ; print (stack[0] ^ stack[1]), and those two elements are poped out to nowhere
load acc1 1 EoN ; acc1 := 1
push acc1 ;
add ; top element of the stack is incremented
pop acc2 ; and placed to acc2
jump_to R_2 ; repeat all above until zero value will be on the stack

It can be guessed that most probably `foo()` calculates some "key"
derived from `acc2` value (which is on top of stack at the time of
calling) and places this key on top instead of `acc2`, then this key
`xor`ed with data[0], then `acc2` is incremented and these steps
are repeated until the zero is observed on top of the stack. Notice
that zero value is placed on the stack with first two instructions
of `program`: `load acc1 0 EoN push acc1`. It is some sort of "guard",
signature of "the end of data", like NULL-termination character in
In C-like pseudocode we can write down:

void decode_and_print(int *data, int n) {
if (!(*data))
putchar((*data) ^ get_key(n));
decode_and_print(data++, n++);

It can be more understandable in form of loop instead of recursion:

void decode_and_print(int data[], int n) {
for (int i = 0; data[i] != 0; i++, n++)
putchar(data[i] ^ get_key(n));

Now we can rename L_1 from `foo()` to `get_key(i)` and try to decompile
it, remembering that it's parameter `i` is stored on top of stack (here
I will rearrange some lines of code so it will become more compact;
of course after each such modification it must be checked that program
was not broken):

load acc1 2 EoN ; some new local variable, <var1> := 2
push acc1 ; stack: [... <ra>, , <var1> ]
jump_to R_7
L_7 ; now it is just dummy jump
clone ; stack: [... <ra>, , <var1>, <var1> ]
load acc1 2 EoN ; one more local variable, <var2> := 2
push acc1 ; [... <ra>, , <var1>, <var1>, <var2> ]
sub ; [... <ra>, , <var1>, <var1> - <var2> ]
if_zero ; if <var1> == <var2>
pop_out ; remove difference from the stack
load acc1 1 EoN
push acc1 ; [... <ra>, , <var1>, 1 ]
jump_to R_12 ; look L_12 with stack [... <ra>, , <var1>, 1 ]
pop_out ; remove difference from the stack - in any case it is removed
clone ; [... <ra>, , <var1>, <var1> ]
push acc1 ; [... <ra>, , <var1>, <var1>, <var2> ]
modulo ; [... <ra>, , <var1>, <var1> % <var2> ]
if_zero ; if (<var1> % <var2> == 0)
jump_to R_12 ; look L_12 with stack [... <ra>, , <var1>, 0 ]
pop_out ; remove modulo value from stack
clone ; [... <ra>, , <var1>, <var1> ]
push acc1 ; [... <ra>, , <var1>, <var1>, <var2> ]
load acc1 1 EoN
push acc1
add ; <var2> += 1
clone ; [... <ra>, , <var1>, <var1>, <var2>, <var2> ]
pop acc1 ; [... <ra>, , <var1>, <var1>, <var2> ]
jump_to R_14 ; notice that stack state is the same as just before L_14 label
if_zero ; stack case: [... <ra>, , <var1>, 0 ]
pop_out ; [... <ra>, , <var1> ]
jump_to R_8 EoN ;
load acc2 1 EoN
push acc2
add ; [... <ra>, , <var1> += 1 ]
jump_to R_11 ; start all over again
pop_out ; [... <ra>, , <var1> ]
jump_to R_9 ; call bar(i, var1)

This piece is just a little more complicated than previous one.
C-like pseudocode in loop form:

int get_key(int i) {
for (int j = 2; ; j++) { // j replaces <var1>
for (int k = 2; k < j; k++) { // k replaces <var2>
if (j % k == 0)
if (k == j)
bar(i, j);

Easy: we do some `bar()` for each j that is a prime number. Probably
`bar()` can return program not only back to `get_key()`, but also to
`decode_and_print()` function using `<ra>`, so actually loop is not
infinite. Now to `bar()` which located on label `L_9`:

L_9 ; remember stack is [... <ra>, , <j> ]
load acc2 0 EoN ; local <var1> := 0
push acc2 ; stack [... <ra>, , <j>, <j>, <j>, <var1>]
load acc1 1 0 EoN
push acc1
multiply ; <var1> *= 10
pop acc2 ; acc2 = <var1>
push acc1 ; stack [... <ra>, , <j>, <j>, <j>, 10 ]
modulo ; stack [... <ra>, , <j>, <j>, <j>%10 ]
push acc2 ; stack [... <ra>, , <j>, <j>, <j>%10, <var1> ]
pop acc2 ; acc2 := <var1> + j%10
pop acc1 ; acc1 := <j>
clone ; stack [... <ra>, , <j>, <j> ]
push acc2 ; stack [... <ra>, , <j>, <j>, <var1> + j%10 ]
sub ; stack [... <ra>, , <j>, <j> - (<var1> + j%10) ]
if_zero ; if (j == var1 + j%10 )
load acc2 1 EoN
push acc2
jump_to R_15 ; goto L_15 with stack [... <ra>, , <j>, 1 ]
push acc1 ; stack [... <ra>, , <j>, <j> ]
load acc1 1 0 EoN
push acc1
divide ; stack [... <ra>, , <j>, <j> / 10 ]
if_zero ; if (j / 10 == 0)
jump_to R_15 ; goto L_15 with stack [... <ra>, , <j>, 0 ]
push acc2 ; stack [... <ra>, , <j>, <j> / 10, <j> / 10, <var1> + j%10 ]
jump_to R_17
L_15 ; stack here is [... <ra>, , <j>, 0 or 1 ]
jump_to R_8 ; stack [... <ra>, , <j> ]
pop acc1 ; stack [... <ra>, ], acc1 := <j>
load acc2 1 EoN
push acc2
sub ; -= 1
if_zero ; if ( == 0)
pop_out ; stack [... data[2], data[1], , data[0], <ra> ]
pop acc2 ; stack [... data[2], data[1], , data[0] ], acc2 := <ra>
push acc1
push acc2 ; stack [... data[2], data[1], , data[0], <j> ]
jump_top ; return from get_key()
push acc1
L_8 ; stack [... <ra>, , <j> ]
load acc2 1 EoN
push acc2
add ; <j> += 1
jump_to R_11 ; it is returning to the main loop of get_key()

Ok, it is solvable. `bar()` is some sort of check. So:

int check(i, j) {
for (int k = 0, l = j; ; ) { // k replaces <var1>
k = 10*k + l%10;
l /= 10;
if (j == k) {
if (i == 0)
return j; // returning to decode_and_print(), j is the key
if (l == 0)
return 0; // returning to get_key()

This is not so obvious, but nevertheless it can be seen that expression
`k = 10*k + l%10` adds the right-most (least significant) digit of `l`
to the right of `k`, shifting all other digits of `k` to the left, and
as the starting value of `l` is `j`, hence at last iteration when `l`
becomes zero, `k` becomes reversed `j`.
We can conclude that this `check()` is successfull if and only if `j`
is palindromic number, because until `l` actually become zero, `k` will
have even different number of digits comparing to `j` and they can't be
And one more detail: `i` is the index of key in sequence of such

Now, all pieces together:

void decode_and_print(int data[], int n) {
for (int i = 0; data[i] != 0; i++) {
int key = nth_palindromic_prime(n + i);
putchar(data[i] ^ key);

Not very hard, isn't it?
We should just write this in some proper language with slightly more
efficient algorithm than bruteforce. Numbers are quite small, so it
should be enough to make deterministic primality test. The biggest
number has 9 digits, so it is enough to precalculate all primes up to
5 digits long and use them:

N = 100000
sieve = [True] * N
for i in range(3,int(N**0.5)+1,2):
if sieve[i]:
primes = [2] + [i for i in range(3,N,2) if sieve[i]]

def is_prime(n):
limit = int(n**0.5)
for p in primes:
if p > limit:
if n % p == 0:
return False
return True

And we better not to test palindromity, but just generate all needed
values of sequence.

def gen_keys(upto):
ret = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
l = len(str(upto)) // 2
for part in range(1, 10**l):
left = str(part)
right = left[::-1]
for m in range(10):
n = int(left + str(m) + right)
if is_prime(n):
return ret

keys = gen_keys(10000000)

I'm too lazy to type numbers by hand, so here is parser as simple as

data = []
with open('new.program', 'r') as f:
temp = []
for line in f.readlines():
if line.startswith('load acc1') and line.strip().endswith('push acc1'):
num = int(line[9:line.find('EoN')].replace(' ', ''))
if num != 0:
elif line.startswith('load acc2'):
base = int(line[9:line.find('EoN')].replace(' ', ''))
for i, num in enumerate(reversed(temp)):
data.append((base + i, num))
temp = []

And finally! Decoding!

print("".join([chr(char ^ keys[i-1]) for i, char in data]))

Run it:

$ python3 solve.py

Go to this link and find several pages with photos, one of which
contains the flag.

In my opinion, this problem is the best one of all Beginner's Quest.


Original writeup (https://github.com/konelav/writeups/blob/master/GoogleCTF2019-BQ/Day5.FriendSpaceBookPlusAllAccessRedPremium.md).