
# Back in time

- Category: Web
- Rating: Medium

We're given a mostly empty webpage at `` with a git logo in the background. checking `` confirms that indeed someone forgot to remove their .git folder from theit production website.

We start by downloading it using [gitdumper](https://github.com/internetwache/GitTools/tree/master/Dumper), and then we're obviously supposed to dig through the history... Unless someone figured out a way to grep through the entire history of a git repo.


Oh wait, tomnomnom has.

# Solution

$ { find .git/objects/pack/ -name "*.idx"|while read i;do git show-index < "$i"|awk '{print $2}';done;find .git/objects/ -type f|grep -v '/pack/'|awk -F'/' '{print $(NF-1)$NF}'; }|while read o;do git cat-file -p $o;done|grep -E 'InnoCTF'

find: ‘.git/objects/pack/’: No such file or directory
NOT A FLAG wDOwdnQzRGdqXxUJMgiVOraPRGdApUmUInnoCTF{nVBdAdtIqkOUUxFqKpypJIPCLpIQrZwr}NOT A FLAG GJuLumsBvtOzbCMchCMnRxIhcJkWKnyhtree e62734d8c2102bc86f2dde033a975741997d76fe

# Flag

Original writeup (https://github.com/protozeit/ctf-writeups/tree/master/InnoCTF19/back_in_time_DONE).