
Category: Networking

Placing your ship in range of the Osmiums, you begin to receive signals.
Hoping that you are not detected, because it's too late now,
you figure that it may be worth finding out what these signals mean and what information might be "borrowed" from them.
Can you hear me Captain Tim? Floating in your tin can there?
Your tin can has a wire to ground control? Find something to do that isn't staring at the Blue Planet.


Once again we have a zip file (which I imagine the rest of the challenges will also have) and we get two files when we unzip it

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3315571 Dec 31 1979 init_sat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2866350 Dec 31 1979 README.pdf

A PDF and another executable.
When I executed the file a prompt showed up:
"Enter the name of the satellite to connect to or 'exit' to quit"

So I opened up the PDF to see the word osmium written on a picture of satellite which also has init_sat written on it.
I gave "osmium" as an input to the program and it responds with this:

Enter the name of the satellite to connect to or 'exit' to quit
Establishing secure connection to osmium
Welcome. Enter (a) to display config data, (b) to erase all data or (c) to disconnect

Username: brewtoot password: ******************** 166.00 IS-19 2019/05/09 00:00:00
Swath 640km Revisit capacity twice daily, anywhere Resolution panchromatic: 30cm multispectral: 1.2m
Daily acquisition capacity: 220,000km²
Remaining config data written to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14eYPluD_pi3824GAFanS29tWdTcKxP_XUxx7e303-3E

When we open up that google doc link we get some base64 encoded data:

Which decodes to

"Username: wireshark-rocks
Password: start-sniffing!"

So its time to open up wireshark and do a packet capture before executing the binary again.

Once I did this, there were 2 IP addresses which looked of interest to me
"", and ""
so I ran nmap on both of them in the background - the first of which seemed to be the server the CTF is hosted on

BUT when we actually look into the packets we see our flag in one of them!

"Username: brewtoot password: CTF{4efcc72090af28fd33a2118985541f92e793477f}
166.00 IS-19 2019/05/09 00:00:00
Swath 640km Revisit capacity twice daily, anywhere Resolution panchromatic: 30cm multispectral: 1.2m
Daily acquisition capacity: 220,000km² Remaining config data written to: