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# CloudMusic_rev WriteUp
Here is 1.0 version writeup:
This challenge is 2.0 version.
Read the webpage source code, find out `#firmware` in `index` page.
`#firmware` page, only admin permitted.
And then reg and login. In my share page, you can see a english song, the others are chinese songs.
This english song is the default song in web music player.
So go to see the source code of `#share`. You can see `/media/share.php?` and `btoa`. It's not difficult to find an arbitrary file read exploit here.
Try to read `../index.php` and visit ``.
It blocks `.php` file. But it gives us a hint, we can use `urlencode` to bypass.
Read the `../index.php` file successfully. We can also read other file.
We have to read the admin password to use `#firmware`.
The exploit is in `/include/upload.php`. It use `/lib/parser.so` to parse the mp3 file we uploaded. It checks the admin password inside `.so`.
We use `IDA` to decompile `/lib/parser.so` file. The exploit is in `read_title` / `read_artist` / `read_album` function which use `strcpy`. We can `off by null` to set `mframe_data` first byte to `0x00`. Then we can read `mem_mpasswd` aka admin password.
Comparing to `1.0 version`, this is a wrong `parser.so`. It uses `strlen` to get the length. `unicode` will not work anymore.
We can make a frame (length: `0x70`), and then upload the mp3 file to get admin password.
The `mp3` file is in `exp.py` script.
We use admin password to login, and visit `#firmware`.
Leak the source code, and read `#firmware` source code.
We can upload a `.so` file here. And guess the filename based on server time.
Finally, load the `.so` file to `rce`.
We can use `__attribute__ ((constructor))` to `rce`.
Just like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char _version[0x130];
char * version = &_version;
__attribute__ ((constructor)) void fun(){
FILE * fp=popen("/usr/bin/tac /flag", "r");
if (fp==NULL) return;
fread(version, 1, 0x100, fp);
Comparing with `1.0` version, there is no `rce` result here.
So we can write the result to `/uploads/firmware/` or `/uploads/music/`.
Our user `www-data` have no permission to read the `/flag` file.
We need to find `suid` program to read the flag. `/usr/bin/tac` have `suid` permission. So we can use it to read the flag.
The payload is `/usr/bin/tac /flag > /var/www/html/uploads/firmware/xxxxx`.
Script to `getflag`, see the `exp.py` file.