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## Cplusplus
> source code : `Cplusplus.exe`
> problem : `Cplusplus.exe`
> compile : `compile.txt`
### analyze
struct st {
unsigned short num1;
unsigned short num2;
unsigned short num3;
st boostFn(const std::string& s) {
using boost::spirit::qi::_1;
using boost::spirit::qi::ushort_;
using boost::spirit::qi::char_;
using boost::phoenix::ref;
struct st res;
const char* first = s.data();
const char* const end = first + s.size();
bool success = boost::spirit::qi::parse(first, end,
ushort_[ref(res.num1) = _1] >> char('@')
>> ushort_[ref(res.num2) = _1] >> char('#')
>> ushort_[ref(res.num3) = _1]
if (!success || first != end) {
//throw std::logic_error("Parsing failed");
return res;
This code is related to `boost::spirit`. The input is such as `num1@num2#num3`, and the three `unsigned short` values are separated by `@ #`.
void boostFunc(unsigned short& num) {
//random number check
//The expected num is 78
if (num > 111) {
boost::mt19937 rng(num);
rng.discard(num % 12);
//Copy Construction, retain all the state
boost::mt19937 rng_(rng);
rng_.discard(num / 12);
//discarding num random results
if (rng_() != 3570126595) {
num -= (rng_() % 45); // 45
An `unsigned short` is passed in, less than or equal to 111. It is used as the seed of the random engine, discarding `num % 12` random numbers, and then constructing a random engine copy.
> Note that the copy construct here completely preserves the state of the random engine, not the initial state.
> In IDA, it behaves as a direct memcpy
Then discard the `num/12` random numbers.
Then output a random number requirement equal to `3570126595`, and finally the value passed in is changed because it is a reference.
There is nothing to say in the second check .
The third check is my mistake
if ((res.num3 % res.num1 != 12) && (res.num3 / res.num1) != 3) {
//3 * 34 + 12 == 114
std::cout << "You failed...again";
There have been many solutions here, and later I found out that `||` was mistakenly written as `&&`, so as long as the formula on the right is satisfied, the flag will be output, and finally `md5` will be guaranteed to guarantee the unique solution.
This is my mistake, I am sincerely sorry.