Tags: volatility forensics 


# Forensics

> On the campground of the CCCamp, someone is trying to troll us by encrypting our flags. Sadly, we only got the memory dump of the PC which encrypted our flags.

## Intro

We get a zipped ```flagchecker.dmp``` file. There are 3 different levels to this task, all of which are solved using that one file. We know that:
- the first flag has not yet been encrypted which points at something being typed when the dump was dumped
- the second flag was encrypted moments before the dump
- the third flag is somewhere in there without any more precisions

This was a super fun challenge with lots of layers. I'll divide the write-up into 4 parts: a general approach, and one for each of the flags.

## Solving
### General

A dump file. Did someone say [vola](https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility/wiki/Command-Reference)? Vola is the best (imo) tool out there for these kinds of tasks. It allows you to pretty much extract anything useful including, but not limited to, screenshots, clipboard, last commands used, entire binaries and much much more.

So how do you start? First you need to identify what kind of dump is. The ```imageinfo``` command is your best friend, though it doesn't alwazs work. Sometimes you have to actually dig in there and find references to a specific OS. But this wasn't one of those times and it recognized it as a Win7SP1x64. From there on you can start playing. Off the bat, I like to list all running processes using ```pslist```as well as the contents of the clipboard using ```clipboard``` (which I didn't do right waya this time). I also dump all filenames present in the binary for later use using ```filescan``` and any available screenshots using ```screenshot```. For a better explanation on how to use the commands, have a look at the link above.

### Part 1

This took me much longer than it should have. I took the road not traveled on this one but it ended up helping for part 2. After dumping the processes I noticed 2 suspicious candidates:

0xfffffa800246e530 converter.exe 2308 2280 11 183 1 0 2019-08-21 05:52:25 UTC+0000
0xfffffa800246fb00 converter.exe 2316 2280 10 152 1 0 2019-08-21 05:52:25 UTC+0000
Well this seems like it's worth investigating. The first step is to dump the memory associated with those 2 PIDs which can be done using the ```memdump``` command. This yielded 2 large-ish files (~280mb). I started looking through them to see if anything was interesting but the size made it a bit difficult.

At this point I did what I should have done first and looked up the flag format for the competition. Sure enough, searching for ```ALLES{``` quickly revealed the first flag. I then went back to the original dmp file and dang if it wasn't there as well. Long story short, remember to simply look for your flag with a simple hex editor as a first thing, could have been solved in 10 seconds.

### Part 2

At this point I was at least getting reaacquainted with volatility. While poking around I ran the ```clipboard``` command and noticed that the first flag was also present there as a base64 string. Oh well. What it did motivate me to do however was to run ```strings``` on the dump to find other base64 strings. And I found one:


Decoding it produced junk so this might be our encrypted ```ciphertext```?

I started focusing on the 2 ```converter.exe``` processes. First thing was to dump the binaries associated with them using ```procdump```. Immediately I noticed that ```2308``` was around 8mb while ```2316``` only 8kb. Somethingisfishy.gif. Both were simple ```.net``` executables, which are easily disassembled by [dotPeek](https://www.jetbrains.com/decompiler/), an excellent tool, especially if you use JetBrains software.

The large ```converter.exe``` can actually be run as an executable and you'll see that it's a useful small Forms based app to encode/decode strings into useful formats. Kind of cute but after finding the base64 of the first flag in the dump I figured this was the tool that was being used and the upper textblock contained the plaintext, which I found, while the bottom one contained the base64 encoded flag that the user had copied and which I had found in the clipboard. So I let it go.

The second looked much more promising. A simple Forms application, extremely lightweight, with only one textbox and one button. Upon clicking, this happens:

private void Click_Button(object sender, EventArgs e)
Crypto crypto = new Crypto();
this.string_0 = Convert.ToBase64String(crypto.function02(this.text.Text));
this.ms.Read(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(this.string_0), 0, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(this.string_0).Length);
this.text.Text = this.string_0;

Moreover, at the top of the program, we have a singular include: ```using someCrypto;``` which points towards some kind of Crypto module. But he latter couldn't be found and prevented the app from running on my Win10 PC (yes, I use Win10 and WSL). But now we know it calls it up, creates a new object, calls some ```function03(void)``` and specifically runs ```function02``` on the input to encrypt it.

At this point I was a little stumped so I started looking at other interesting volatility functions. I came accross ```dlldump```. This wonderful function dumps all the ```dll``` associated with a specific process if specified. This yielded around 40 ```dll``` files. Here is an extract of the output:

0xfffffa800246fb00 converter.exe 0x0000000074ef0000 Crypto.dll OK: module.2316.3e66fb00.74ef0000.dll
0xfffffa800246fb00 converter.exe 0x000007fefbb90000 gdiplus.dll OK: module.2316.3e66fb00.7fefbb90000.dll
0xfffffa800246fb00 converter.exe 0x000007fefd540000 RpcRtRemote.dll OK: module.2316.3e66fb00.7fefd540000.dll

Uh-oh spaghetti-oh it looks like we have a winner. Now as we all know, most ```dll``` can be decompiled like a normal executable. Again using dotPeek we get a full-frontal view of the missing import. And now we have our missing ```function02```

public byte[] function02(string string_0)
SymmetricAlgorithm symmetricAlgorithm = this.function01();
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream((Stream) memoryStream, symmetricAlgorithm.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write);
byte[] bytes = new UnicodeEncoding().GetBytes(string_0.PadRight(string_0.Length % 8, char.MinValue));
cryptoStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
memoryStream.Position = 0L;
byte[] array = memoryStream.ToArray();
string_0 = (string) null;
return array;

Seems like it's a wrapper for the rest of the module. Lets have a closer look at what symmetricAlgorithm is:

private SymmetricAlgorithm function01()
RijndaelManaged rijndaelManaged = new RijndaelManaged();
rijndaelManaged.KeySize = 256;
rijndaelManaged.IV = this.byte_1;
rijndaelManaged.Key = this.byte_0;
return (SymmetricAlgorithm) rijndaelManaged;

OK then, kids won't remember but [Rijndael is the original name for AES](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard). What we have here is garden variety AES running in CBC. We also see that ```IV``` and ```key``` are part of a ```Crypto``` instance. So how are they determined? Well this is where ```function03``` comes in:

public void function03()
byte[] binaryForm = new byte[28];
WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
this.byte_1 = new byte[16];
Array.Copy((Array) binaryForm, 0, (Array) this.byte_1, 0, 16);
this.byte_0 = new byte[32];
Array.Copy((Array) binaryForm, binaryForm.Length - 16, (Array) this.byte_0, 0, 16);
Array.Copy((Array) binaryForm, binaryForm.Length - 16, (Array) this.byte_0, 16, 16);

I had to do some digging to understand the ```WindowsIdentity``` part. Turns out it essentially returns the SID of the current user. More info can be found [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.security.principal.windowsidentity.getcurrent?view=netframework-4.8). So in other words, the program uses the current user's ```SID``` as ```key``` and ```IV```. So all we need is the ```SID``` at runtime and we're golden. But how do we do that? Yup, there's a function for that. ```getsids``` will retrieve what you need.

converter.exe (2308): S-1-5-21-2947568794-2193893069-2968809547-1000 (ALLES)
converter.exe (2308): S-1-5-21-2947568794-2193893069-2968809547-513 (Domain Users)

Ding ding din we got a winner.

After retrieveing I played around with a simple function on my local machine to check my own SID and make sure that's what was being used here and because it also seemed easier than rewrite the function in python. Plus I like c#:

using System;
using System.Security.Principal;

namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
byte[] byte_0;
byte[] byte_1;
byte_0 = new byte[32];
byte_1 = new byte[16];
byte[] binaryForm = new byte[28];
SecurityIdentifier testi = new SecurityIdentifier("S-1-5-21-2947568794-2193893069-2968809547-1000");
testi.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);

Array.Copy((Array)binaryForm, 0, (Array)byte_1, 0, 16);
Array.Copy((Array)binaryForm, binaryForm.Length - 16, (Array)byte_0, 0, 16);
Array.Copy((Array)binaryForm, binaryForm.Length - 16, (Array)byte_0, 16, 16);

string converted = BitConverter.ToString(byte_0);
string converted2 = BitConverter.ToString(byte_1);



What this does is return the hexstring for both ```key``` and ```IV```. At this point just use python to decrypt:

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
encryptor = AES.new(key, mode, IV=IV)

At first glance I got garbage. Then I noticed that the plaintext was simply littered with `\x00`s. Removing those yielded the flag. Probably could have gleaned that from the source code but why bother when it's so easy?

### Part 3

Sadly we had a wedding that night which meant I didn't have any more time. So I didn't solve the last part but found it a day later though I had to look at another writeup to fully get it. Turns out there is a weird filename in the file list:

```\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\D9f\gCFhd\yxEUQSFyoHU1ybvQ0S9TOOwUWFCR+HWh+YicMXXJ2hzO39bjKEbONClpsoTzUtfuC86APEJGe46byt7fmJGBEkmrtktbMIZ5Mk4LnGFkyNVkAwEKm\O7dnFs7JKPrXrI9Co8Z4ULFf1UzT1cK5wFiIONE\0t33K+0.bat```

And running ```screenshots``` also displays an open window with part of that filepath shown, so I guess there were enough hints. What I found to be a stretch was that the path had to be truncated, the ```\``` replace with ```/``` and finally padded to yield:


Which then had to be decoded using the encryption service from part 2. There were a lot of assumptions there, not the least of which that it was the same user. I would have enjoyed some added twist here like for example an environment variable pointing to a fake SID and a function not unlike the one I wrote it to convert it to a WindowsIdentity token to be used for encryption. It felt like a bit of a letdown.

## Conclusion

Be that as it may, I loved solving the challenge and I learned a ton. Definitely would recommend this as a begginer-friendly challenge if you want to become more familiar with volatiliy :)

Original writeup (https://github.com/Gdasl/CTFs/blob/master/ChaosCTF/Foreniscs.md).