Tags: pwntools 


# BufferOverflow #2

## Problem

> The close cousin of a website for "Question marked as duplicate" - part 3!

Can you control the arguments to `win()` and get the flag?

Connect at `shell.2019.nactf.com:31184`



## Hints

> - How are arguments passed to a function?

## Solution

This time, we need to pass 2 arguments into `win()`, which we can see in the source code. We add them to our buffer overflow payload from [BufferOverflow #1](../BufferOverflow%20%231).

[Python script](solver.py)

Original writeup (https://github.com/SababaSec/ctf-writeups/tree/master/2019/NACTF/Binary%20Exploitation/BufferOverflow%20%232).