Tags: revesing
The challenge gives you the trace of the binary when given a particular input. Our task is to recover the input.
$ ./calc_8e4bdd821b86bebbfa6c5191bfddd40dbb120916
usage: ./calc_8e4bdd821b86bebbfa6c5191bfddd40dbb120916 formula
$ ./calc_8e4bdd821b86bebbfa6c5191bfddd40dbb120916 1+1
error: stack is empty
$ ./calc_8e4bdd821b86bebbfa6c5191bfddd40dbb120916 1,1,+
Ok so this looks like a stack-based calculator. Let's crack it open in IDA:
__int64 __fastcall calc(char *a1)
__int64 v1; // ST30_8
__int64 v2; // rax
signed __int64 v3; // rax
__int64 v4; // ST30_8
__int64 v5; // rax
__int64 v6; // rax
signed __int64 v7; // ST30_8
__int64 v8; // rax
__int64 v9; // rax
__int64 v10; // ST30_8
__int64 v11; // rax
__int64 v12; // rax
__int64 v13; // ST30_8
__int64 v14; // rax
__int64 v15; // rax
signed __int64 v16; // ST30_8
signed __int64 v17; // rax
__int64 v18; // rax
char *curr_char; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-38h]
char v21; // [rsp+1Bh] [rbp-25h]
signed int v22; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-24h]
signed __int64 acc; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h]
_QWORD *stack; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h]
curr_char = a1;
acc = 0LL;
stack = malloc(8uLL);
stack[1] = calloc(8uLL, 0x3E8uLL);
*(_DWORD *)stack = 1000;
*((_DWORD *)stack + 1) = 0;
v22 = 0;
while ( *curr_char )
v21 = *curr_char;
if ( *curr_char == ',' )
if ( v22 == 1 )
push(stack, acc);
acc = 0LL;
v22 = 0;
else if ( v21 <= '/' || v21 > '9' )
switch ( v21 )
case '+':
v1 = pop(stack);
v2 = pop(stack);
v3 = add(v2, v1);
push(stack, v3);
v22 = 2;
case '-':
v4 = pop(stack);
v5 = pop(stack);
v6 = sub(v5, v4);
push(stack, v6);
v22 = 2;
case '*':
v7 = pop(stack);
v8 = pop(stack);
v9 = mul(v8, v7);
push(stack, v9);
v22 = 2;
case 'm':
v10 = pop(stack);
v11 = pop(stack);
v12 = min(v11, v10);
push(stack, v12);
v22 = 2;
case 'M':
v13 = pop(stack);
v14 = pop(stack);
v15 = max(v14, v13);
push(stack, v15);
v22 = 2;
if ( v21 != 'C' )
printf("error: unhandled char '%c'\n", (unsigned int)v21);
v16 = pop(stack);
v17 = pop(stack);
v18 = ccc(v17, v16);
push(stack, v18);
v22 = 2;
acc = 10 * acc + v21 - '0';
v22 = 1;
return pop(stack);
The binary is quite simple.
At this point, I see some reversing options:
We go with option 2. Specifically, we extract the formula with a simple script and then recover the correct digits with a genetic algorithms.
formula.py opens the trace file and does two things.
First of all, it outputs a rebased trace so we can more easily use it
Then it also outputs a formula template like XXX,XXX,+
by manually matching
the branches in the binary with their meaning.
$ python3 ./formula.py
tracer.py is a QBDI tool that traces the binary and matches the instruction addresses against the challenge trace. Its function is to output a score/fitness value for a given input. This is going to be used by the solver in the final step.
$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libpyqbdi.so PYQBDI_TOOL=./tracer.py ./calc_8e4bdd821b86bebbfa6c5191bfddd40dbb120916 1,1,+
OUT 566
OUT 566
is the output score we calculated.
solver.py takes everything we have done so far and puts it together automagically. It is a simple genetic algorithm that takes the formula, guesses the digits and gets the score from running tracer.py. Eventually it should guess a valid formula (that's right, there is more than one correct formula!).
$ python3 ./solver.py
1000000 000,000,000,000,000,0000,000,mm-mM-000,000,000,mm-000,000,000,000,000,-+-M+000,002,000,mm*
151 000,000,000,000,000,0000,800,mm-mM-000,000,000,mm-000,300,000,046,000,-+-M+000,002,000,mm*
148 000,000,010,005,000,0030,800,mm-mM-000,005,000,mm-050,300,900,046,003,-+-M+006,002,000,mm*
116 000,800,010,005,000,0030,805,mm-mM-000,005,000,mm-057,800,900,046,003,-+-M+806,002,000,mm*
109 009,800,010,005,200,0030,805,mm-mM-000,005,300,mm-858,800,900,046,003,-+-M+806,002,000,mm*
12 009,500,010,005,200,0630,805,mm-mM-000,005,300,mm-858,800,900,006,003,-+-M+806,007,050,mm*
4 008,500,010,005,209,0600,805,mm-mM-000,005,360,mm-858,800,900,006,003,-+-M+806,007,050,mm*
3 008,500,310,035,209,5600,804,mm-mM-000,005,360,mm-858,800,900,006,003,-+-M+806,001,050,mm*
$ curl -q -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d "{\"input\": \"008,500,310,035,209,5600,804,mm-mM-000,005,360,mm-858,800,900,006,003,-+-M+806,001,050,mm*\"}" http://follow-me.chal.seccon.jp/submit/quals/0
{"error":false,"flag":"SECCON{Is it easy for you to recovery input from execution trace? Keep hacking:)}","message":"Thanks! I'll give you a flag as a thank you."}
Cheers :)