Tags: forensics 


# findme // Writeup

## Problem

*Find me! Challenge created by Security Risk Advisors for RITSEC CTF*

## Solution

Open the dumped network traffic with Wireshark for example. Don't look at the base64 encoded image or you will get rick-rolled.

If you decode the client packet you will get a youtube video and it's useless.


But if you decode the server client you will get a gzip compressed data file.



So uncompress it, `mv new_file new_file.gz ; gunzip -d new_file.gz`. After that you will get a tar archived file.

Extract it : `tar -xvf new_file`, you will get `flag` file, so , `cat flag`.

Original writeup (https://github.com/b0th/CTF/tree/master/RITSECCTF2019/findme).