# Hacking for vodka
#### Category: rev
#### Points: 56
This was a relatively easy chall as you can see with the points.
The following is the decompiled check.
while (i < n) {
local_4c = pass[i]; // input byte
local_4b = 0;
local_4a = (byte)i ^ *(byte *)(enc + i); // flag byte
local_49 = 0;
(&uStack144)[uVar1 * 0x1ffffffffffffffe] = 0x555555554c1d;
__n = strcmp(&local_4c,&local_4a,*(undefined *)(&uStack144 + uVar1 * 0x1ffffffffffffffe));
if (__n != 0) {
(&uStack144)[uVar1 * 0x1ffffffffffffffe] = 0x555555554c2d;
puts("Sorry, incorrect password!",*(undefined *)(&uStack144 + uVar1 * 0x1ffffffffffffffe));
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
(&uStack144)[uVar1 * 0x1ffffffffffffffe] = 0x555555554c37;
exit(0,*(undefined *)(&uStack144 + uVar1 * 0x1ffffffffffffffe));
i = i + 1;
Our input is checked byte by byte with the flag. (Also there is a ptrace check at the start, and this can be patched out)
There are two easy methods I discovered after getting the flag using my method:
* Bruteforce ltrace the flag out, figuring out the flag byte by byte.
* Patch the incorrect password jump and provide an incorrect flag, thus getting the whole flag.
I spoke with the chall author and this was not the intended solution. They should've statically compiled or used `==` instead of strcmp.
Now onto my solution. If you look at the disassembly,
ADD RAX,param_3
MOVZX param_3,byte ptr [RAX]
MOV EAX,dword ptr [RBP + i]
XOR EAX,param_3
MOV byte ptr [RBP + local_4a],AL
As you can see, the current byte of the flag is stored in `eax`. So we could just fetch the current byte everytime dynamically and thus have the whole flag.
I wrote an r2pipe python script to do this.
import r2pipe
p = r2pipe.open('./vodka')
# disable aslr, provide a fake flag
p.cmd('dor aslr=no,stdin="AAA"')
# reopen in debug mode
res = []
bps = [
for i in bps:
p.cmd('db '+hex(i))
# when the check for input occurs, circumvent it
p.cmd('dbc 0x555555554c21 dr rip=0x555555554c37')
# circumvent ptrace check
p.cmd('dr rip=0x555555555312')
while True:
rax = p.cmdj('drj')['rax']
if rax > 255:
print(''.join(chr(i) for i in res))