Tags: quantum 


How are the special bits called in quantum computing? **qubit**

What is the name of the graphical representation of the qubit? **bloch sphere**

In what state is a qubit which is neither 1 or 0? **superposition**

What do you call 2 qubits which have interacted and are now in a wierd state in which they are correlated? **entangled**

What do you call the notation used in Quantum Computing where qubits are represented like this: |0> or |1>? **dirac**

What gate would you use to put a qubit in a superposition? **hadamard**

What gate would you use to entangle 2 qubits? **controlled not**

What gate would you use to "flip" a qubit's phase in a superposition? **pauli-z**

What's the full name of the physicist who invented the X, Y and Z gates? **wolfgang pauli**

What are quantum gates represented by (in dirac notation)? **unitary matrix**

How do you represent a qubit |1> put in a superposition (in dirac)? **|->**

Will a superposition break if measured? **yes**

Can you take a qubit out of a superposition with a Hadamard gate? **yes**

If you measure a qubit in a superposition, what's the average chance of measruing |0>? **0.5**

What's the name of the famous paradox which demonstrates the problem of decoherence? **schrodinger's cat**

Will particles always measure the same when entangled? **no**

Will entangled qubits violate Bell's Inequality? **yes**

Does the following state present 2 entangled qubits? 1/sqrt(2)(|10> + |11>)? **no**

Does the following state present 2 entangled qubits? 1/sqrt(2)(|10> + |01>)? **yes**

Can 2 entangled qubits ever get untangled? **yes**

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Original writeup (https://github.com/SilverS3c/writeups/tree/master/X-MAS%20CTF%202019/Q-Trivia).