
Easter Egg 3

  • Hint: https://twitter.com/OverTheWireCTF/
  • Points: 10
  • Solves: 36

I am the author of this challenge.


In the picture of this tweet there is a 2D barcode. It's an Aztec barcode inside of a QR code. Here is a picture highlighting the Aztec code:

<img src="https://github.com/semchapeu/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/OverTheWire%20Advent%202019/Easter%20Egg%203/eastergg3_highlighted.png?raw=true" alt="" width="400" height="400" />

Scanning the inner Aztec code results in 414f54577b6234726330643373, if you decode this hex into ASCII you get AOTW{b4rc0d3s- Scanning the outer QR code results in 137:64:137:154:171:146:63:175 if you decode these octal numbers into ASCII you get _4_lyf3}

Putting the two together you get the flag AOTW{b4rc0d3s_4_lyf3}.

Original writeup (https://github.com/semchapeu/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/OverTheWire%20Advent%202019/Easter%20Egg%203/).