Tags: perl web code-injection 


# mooo

- Points: 98
- Solves: 179
- Author: semchapeu

## Solution
A web service that allows the usage of [cowsay](https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/cowsay).


The second option in the "Cow" dropdown list is "custom" and will take you to `/cow_designer`


Looking at one of the default `.cow` files reveals the following format:

$the_cow = <<"EOC";
$thoughts ^__^
$thoughts ($eyes)\\_______
(__)\\ )\\/\\
$tongue ||----w |
|| ||


Cowsay uses Perl and when you use a custom cow file the Perl code in that file gets executed before the cow is printed.
Due to several characters being blacklisted (`@, {, }, [ and ]` and `$ except when using $thoughts, $eyes or $tongue`) we need to first end the `$the_cow` string with `EOC` (aka `End Of Cow`) before we can inject Perl code.

To print the flag we can use:

system("cat flag");
as payload.


Original writeup (https://github.com/semchapeu/CTF-WriteUps/tree/master/OverTheWire%20Advent%202019/Day%204%20-%20mooo).