
## Julian Cohen (recon, 100p, 883 solves)

### PL Version
`for ENG version scroll down`

Bardzo krótkie zadanie. Wyszukiwanie Juliana Cohena, zawężone do tematyki CTFów pozwala bardzo szybo trafić na jego twittera (@HockeyInJune) gdzie wprost umieścił flagę w jednym z wpisów `https://twitter.com/HockeyInJune/status/641716034068684800`



### ENG Version

Very short challenge. Searching for Julian Cohen, filtered for CTF quickly gave us his twitter account (@HockeyInJune) where he plainly placed the flag in one of the posts: `https://twitter.com/HockeyInJune/status/641716034068684800`



Original writeup (https://github.com/p4-team/ctf/tree/master/2015-09-16-csaw/recon_100_julian_cohen#eng-version).