
# darcrackme

#### Category: rev
#### Points: 200

The binary asks for username and password when we run it.


|| DARK ARMY SAFE v2.0 ||
|| ||
| |
| / / (\-"```"-/) \ \ |
| / / //^\ /^\\ \ \ |
| / / ;/ ~_\ /_~ \; \ \ |
| / / | / \Y/ \ | \ \ |
| | | (, \0/ \0/ ,) | | |
| \ \ | / \ | / / |
| \ \ | (_\._./_) | / / |
| \ \ )|\ \v-.-v/ /|( / / |
| \ \ / ) \ `===' / ( \ / / |
| """ """ |
|| Only the top 1% of the 1% can crack me! ||

Username :: asd
Password :: as

Opening the binary in ghidra, we see,

iVar1 = strcmp(username,"1_4m_th3_wh1t3r0s3");
if (iVar1 == 0) {
iVar1 = FUN_004013f9(username,password);
if (iVar1 == 1) {
printf("Here is my Dark Secret : infernoCTF{%s}\n",local_e8);
else {
puts("\nAre you trying to pwn the pwners");

Our username and password is the parameters to a function.

When we look inside the function, we see that another string is constructed using our password and is check against the username.

The function roughly does:

* For every character in input, get the index of character in one of 2 strings, depending on whether index is even or odd.
* Convert this index into binary.
* Interleave the 2 binary numbers to new number(Ex: if t1 is 0b1011 and t2 is -b1001 result is 0b11001011)
* This number is the character at the index

Corresponding C code:

while( true ) {
sVar2 = strlen(password);
if (sVar2 <= (ulong)(long)local_20) break;
local_44 = idx_in_1("ADGJLQETUOZCBM10",password[local_20]);
local_48 = idx_in_1("sfhkwryipxvn5238",password[(long)local_20 + 1]);
local_50 = to_bin(local_44);
local_58 = to_bin(local_48);
local_24 = 0;
while ((int)local_24 < 8) {
if ((local_24 & 1) == 0) {
local_19 = local_50[(int)local_24 / 2];
else {
local_19 = local_58[(int)local_24 / 2];
local_68[(int)local_24] = local_19;
local_24 = local_24 + 1;
lVar1 = strtol(local_68,(char **)0x0,2);
local_30[local_20 / 2] = (char)lVar1;
local_20 = local_20 + 2;

I initialy rewrote the functions in python to inspect them:

def to_bin(param1):
t = ['1'] * 5
j = 3
local1 = param1
while local1 > 0:
if (local1 & 1) == 0:
t[j] = '1'
t[j] = '0'
j -= 1
local1 = local1//2
return ''.join(t)

def idx_in_1(p1: str, p2: str) -> int:
idx = p1.find(p2)
return idx

Once I got a clear idea, I wrote the following script which reverses the algorithm.

stri = "1_4m_th3_wh1t3r0s3"

flag = ['*']* 0x24
s2 = "sfhkwryipxvn5238"

i = 0
while i < len(stri):
b = ord(stri[i])
# b = bin(ord(b))[2:]
b = f'{b:08b}'

t1 = ''
t2 = ''

for idx in range(len(b)):
if idx %2:
t2 += b[idx]
t1 += b[idx]

print(t1, t2)

flag[i*2] = s1[rev_bs(t1)]
flag[i*2+1] = s2[rev_bs(t2)]

flag = ''.join(flag)

from pwn import *
# p = gdb.debug('./darkcrackme', 'b *0x004013cd')
p = process('./darkcrackme')

Original writeup (https://github.com/ByteBandits/writeups/tree/master/inferno-ctf-2019/rev/darkcrackme/vn-ki).