Tags: web php 

Rating: 3.0

# Inferno CTF 2019 – Dante's Personal Home Page

* **Category:** Web
* **Points:** 180

## Challenge

> Dante has used some PHP on his site but it only allows magicians to enter. Show him your magical skills!!
> Author : MrT4ntr4

## Solution

The website will show its own source code.



There are a couple of checks that must be bypassed to get the flag.

The first part is the following.

if (isset ($_GET['__magic__'])) {
$magic = $_GET['__magic__'];

$check = urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

if(preg_match("/_| /i", $check))
die("Get yourself some coffee");

This check is pretty weird, because to bypass it you have to provide a GET parameter with underscores, but having a query string without underscores. So, yeah, there is a bit of magic, here...

According to [this website](https://www.secjuice.com/abusing-php-query-string-parser-bypass-ids-ips-waf/), PHP performs some string manipulation on input parameters' names in order to remove, for example, whitespaces and to convert characters in underscores.

This behavior can be abused crafting a string with chars that are converted to underscores, but they are not.

You can write a simple script to enumerate these chars.

$arg) {
for($i=0;$i<=255;$i++) {
echo "\033[999D\033[K\r";
echo "[".$arg."] check ".bin2hex(chr($i))."";

if(isset($o["__magic__"])) {
echo "\033[999D\033[K\r";
echo $arg." -> ".bin2hex(chr($i))." (".chr($i).")\n";
echo "\033[999D\033[K\r";

echo "\n";

The output of the script is the following.

{chr}{chr}magic__ -> 2e (.)
{chr}{chr}magic__ -> 5f (_)

__magic{chr}{chr} -> 20 ( )
__magic{chr}{chr} -> 2b (+)
__magic{chr}{chr} -> 2e (.)
__magic{chr}{chr} -> 5f (_)

So you can use the `.` char to craft the URL.


The website will answer the following.

Your magic doesn't work on me

At this point, the other check to bypass is the following.

if (ereg ("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", $magic) === FALSE)
echo 'Only Alphanumeric accepted';
else if (strpos ($magic, '$dark$') !== FALSE)
if (!is_array($magic)){
echo "Congratulations! FLAG is : ".$flag;

So you can insert only alphanumeric chars, but you have to insert two `$` chars.

According to [this website](https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44366), you can bypass the `ereg` instruction injecting a NULL byte. The result is a string that is correctly interpreted by `strpos` and, obviously, is not an array.

The final URL is the following.


The website will print the flag.

Congratulations! FLAG is : infernoCTF{1_gu3ss_y0ur_m4g1c_was_w4y_t00_d4rk}

Original writeup (https://github.com/m3ssap0/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/Inferno%20CTF%202019/Dante's%20Personal%20Home%20Page/README.md).