Tags: cryptography rsa-crypto cryptography-rsa crypto rsa 


# Inferno CTF 2019 – Really Secure Algorithm Again

* **Category:** Crypto
* **Points:** 122

## Challenge

> I love alogorithms. Secure one's to be precise :)

## Solution

The challenge gives you [a file](https://github.com/m3ssap0/CTF-Writeups/raw/master/Inferno%20CTF%202019/Really%20Secure%20Algorithm%20Again/RSA_Chall) with the following content.

e = 65537
N = 25693197123978473
enc_flag = ['0x2135d36aa0c278', '0x3e8f43212dafd7', '0x7a240c1672358', '0x37677cfb281b26', '0x26f90fe5a4bed0', '0xb0e1c482daf4', '0x59c069723a4e4b', '0x8cec977d4159']

Help me find out the secret to decrypt the flag

This is an RSA challenge with weak parameters.

You can write a [Python script](https://github.com/m3ssap0/CTF-Writeups/raw/master/Inferno%20CTF%202019/Really%20Secure%20Algorithm%20Again/rsa.py) to solve the challenge.

import sys, getopt, os
import requests
import struct, codecs
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

# Factorizes the modulus using a remote service.
def factorize_modulus(modulus):
print "[*] Factorizing modulus."

remote_service = "http://factordb.com/api"
print "[*] Contacting service: {}.".format(remote_service)
response = requests.get(remote_service, params={"query": str(modulus)}).json()

if response is not None and len(response["factors"]) != 2:
print "[!] {} factors returned.".format(len(response["factors"]))

p = int(response["factors"][0][0])
q = int(response["factors"][1][0])
print "[*] p ..........: {}".format(p)
print "[*] q ..........: {}".format(q)

return p, q

# Computes value for decrypt operation.
def compute_values(exponent, p, q):
print "[*] Computing values."

# Compute phi(n).
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
print "[*] phi ........: {}".format(phi)

# Compute modular inverse of e.
gcd, a, b = egcd(exponent, phi)
d = a
d = d % phi;
if d < 0:
d += phi
print "[*] d ..........: {}".format(d)

return d

# Modular inverse.
def egcd(a, b):
x,y, u,v = 0,1, 1,0
while a != 0:
q, r = b//a, b%a
m, n = x-u*q, y-v*q
b,a, x,y, u,v = a,r, u,v, m,n
gcd = b
return gcd, x, y

# Decrypting the encrypted content.
def decrypt(content_to_decrypt, modulus, d):
plain_content = ""
for c in content_to_decrypt:
p = pow(int(c, 16), d, modulus)
plain_content += codecs.decode(str(hex(p)).replace("0x", "").replace("L", ""), "hex")
return plain_content

# Main execution.
if __name__ == "__main__":
modulus = 25693197123978473
exponent = 65537
enc_flag = ['0x2135d36aa0c278', '0x3e8f43212dafd7', '0x7a240c1672358', '0x37677cfb281b26', '0x26f90fe5a4bed0', '0xb0e1c482daf4', '0x59c069723a4e4b', '0x8cec977d4159']
p, q = factorize_modulus(modulus)
d = compute_values(exponent, p, q)
plain_content = decrypt(enc_flag, modulus, d)
print plain_content
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "[-] Interrupted!"
print "[!] Unexpected exception: {}".format(sys.exc_info()[0])
print "Finished."

The output will give you the flag.

root@m3ss4p0:~# python rsa.py
[*] Factorizing modulus.
[*] Contacting service: http://factordb.com/api.
[*] p ..........: 150758089
[*] q ..........: 170426657
[*] Computing values.
[*] phi ........: 25693196802793728
[*] d ..........: 18040554759512321

The flag is the following.


Original writeup (https://github.com/m3ssap0/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/Inferno%20CTF%202019/Really%20Secure%20Algorithm%20Again/README.md).