Tags: rce web 


# The images are important in this challenge so check my fully working [website](https://matesz44.github.io/writeups/ctf/insomnihack_2020/lowdeep/)

## The writeup without the imgs ):
# Web/LowDeep

> Try out our new ping platform: [lowdeep.insomnihack.ch/](http://lowdeep.insomnihack.ch)

# Start

## Fuzzing
- Try `` -> got a normal output of a `ping` cmd

- Try `;ls` -> got the whole directory ayy

## Getting the flag
I tried a lotta thing to cat the flag but nothing works(I got a lotta permission denied on simple cmds like `cat`)

- We have to do the other way
The other way is that we know the filename on the server so just download it. :D
Just go http://lowdeep.insomnihack.ch/print-flag
- Download it
- We got the file [print-flag](print-flag)
- `strings print-flag`

# Got the flag

Original writeup (https://matesz44.github.io/writeups/ctf/insomnihack_2020/lowdeep/).