
# Toast clicker 2 (204p, 15 solved)

The second flag is slightly more complex:

public String printSecondFlag() {
String output = BuildConfig.FLAVOR;
String keyPart1 = BuildConfig.KEY_PART1;
String keyPart2 = getString(C0275R.string.key_part2);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
try {
return new helper(sb.toString()).decrypt(encryptedStringFromJNI());
} catch (Exception e) {
return output;

We need 3 parts of the key.
First one is in `BuildConfig.java`:

public static final String KEY_PART1 = "742375c48a7";

Second one we can get from `/resources/res/values/strings.xml`:

<string name="key_part2">0da605b16</string>

The last one comes from a native library in the project.
If you're not feeling like reversing a native lib, in this special case you don't really have to.
Since the value comes from just calling a function, you can create a new android NDK project, add this lib and simply call the function.
Here it's not necessary since the native lib just prints a static string:

0012d4c0 34 ?? 34h 4
0012d4c1 00 ?? 00h
0012d4c2 00 ?? 00h
0012d4c3 00 ?? 00h
0012d4c4 39 ?? 39h 9
0012d4c5 00 ?? 00h
0012d4c6 00 ?? 00h
0012d4c7 00 ?? 00h
0012d4c8 63 ?? 63h c
0012d4c9 00 ?? 00h
0012d4ca 00 ?? 00h
0012d4cb 00 ?? 00h
0012d4cc 39 ?? 39h 9
0012d4cd 00 ?? 00h
0012d4ce 00 ?? 00h
0012d4cf 00 ?? 00h
0012d4d0 62 ?? 62h b
0012d4d1 00 ?? 00h
0012d4d2 00 ?? 00h
0012d4d3 00 ?? 00h
0012d4d4 37 ?? 37h 7
0012d4d5 00 ?? 00h
0012d4d6 00 ?? 00h
0012d4d7 00 ?? 00h
0012d4d8 31 ?? 31h 1
0012d4d9 00 ?? 00h
0012d4da 00 ?? 00h
0012d4db 00 ?? 00h
0012d4dc 31 ?? 31h 1
0012d4dd 00 ?? 00h
0012d4de 00 ?? 00h
0012d4df 00 ?? 00h
0012d4e0 38 ?? 38h 8
0012d4e1 00 ?? 00h
0012d4e2 00 ?? 00h
0012d4e3 00 ?? 00h
0012d4e4 65 ?? 65h e
0012d4e5 00 ?? 00h
0012d4e6 00 ?? 00h
0012d4e7 00 ?? 00h
0012d4e8 36 ?? 36h 6
0012d4e9 00 ?? 00h
0012d4ea 00 ?? 00h
0012d4eb 00 ?? 00h
0012d4ec 31 ?? 31h 1
0012d4ed 00 ?? 00h
0012d4ee 00 ?? 00h
0012d4ef 00 ?? 00h

The function there might look a bit daunting, but it simply prints out UTF string.

So we have all 3 parts of key -> `742375c48a70da605b1649c9b7118e61`.
Now the code takes another string the library, but again this is just hardcoded string:

s_MwDxTPEvfSLms0PVdgxjYwgpgN8Y8Xj3_0012d4f1 XREF[1]: Java_com_ctf_toast_MainActivity_
0012d4f1 4d 77 44 ds "MwDxTPEvfSLms0PVdgxjYwgpgN8Y8Xj3Hrkw9pFkV6o="
78 54 50
45 76 66

So we just grab the string `MwDxTPEvfSLms0PVdgxjYwgpgN8Y8Xj3Hrkw9pFkV6o=`.

Now the flag is getting decrypted by some function from `helper.java` class.
Again, we could just run the original code, but we can also have a look there:

public class helper {
private Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
private SecretKeySpec key = initKey();
private String passphrase;

public helper(String passphrase2) throws Exception {
this.passphrase = passphrase2;

public SecretKeySpec initKey() throws Exception {
return new SecretKeySpec(Arrays.copyOf(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1").digest(this.passphrase.getBytes("UTF-8")), 16), "AES");

public String encrypt(String plaintext) throws Exception {
byte[] plaintextBytes = plaintext.getBytes();
this.cipher.init(1, this.key);
return Base64.encodeToString(this.cipher.doFinal(plaintextBytes), 2);

public String decrypt(String ciphertext) throws Exception {
byte[] ciphertextBytes = Base64.decode(ciphertext.getBytes(), 2);
this.cipher.init(2, this.key);
return new String(this.cipher.doFinal(ciphertextBytes), "UTF-8");

It simply derives AES-ECB-128 key using `SHA-1` and decrypts the base64 decoded data.
We can do the same via:

import hashlib

from Crypto.Cipher.AES import MODE_ECB
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES

def main():
key = '742375c48a70da605b1649c9b7118e61'
ct = "MwDxTPEvfSLms0PVdgxjYwgpgN8Y8Xj3Hrkw9pFkV6o=".decode("base64")
aes = AES.new(hashlib.sha1(key).digest()[:16], MODE_ECB)


And we get another flag `CTF{T00_Many_S3cr3t5}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/TFNS/writeups/blob/master/2020-02-23-BSidesSF/toast/README.md).