Rating: 5.0

clam clam clam

70 Points

This challenge is all about the behavior of the terminal on how

to handle carriage return we connect with the given netcat command

and then we get an infinite usefulness sentences


but when we print all the characters individually we see a hidden line


that is because the a carriage return(\r) is a control character.

When you print it to a terminal, instead of displaying a glyph, the

terminal performs some special effect. For a carriage return, the

special effect is to move the cursor to the beginning of the current

line. Thus, if you print a line that contains a carriage return in

the middle, then the effect is that the second half is written over

the first half. as it says here

so now we just echo clamclam and we get the flag



Original writeup (https://github.com/zhassan6992/angstromCTF2020-writeup/tree/master/misc/clam%20clam%20clam).