Rating: 5.0

# Masochistic Sudoku (80 solves)

> Clam's tired of the ease and boredom of traditional sudoku. Having just one solution that can be determined via a simple online sudoku solver isn't good enough for him. So, he made masochistic sudoku! Since there are no hints, there are around 6*10^21 possible solutions but only one is actually accepted!
> Find it on the shell server at /problems/2020/masochistic_sudoku/.
> Author: aplet123

In this challenge we have to solve sudoku. But we don't know what numbers are present and the initial field looks like this:

| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |

If we fill the board with random numbers and hit **q**, the **check_flag** function will be called. The function checks few board positions for known values by calling **get_value** function with row_number, col_number and our entered number:

int get_value(int row, int col, int number)
srand(13 * ((100 * row + 10 * col + number) ^ 0x2A) % 10067);
return rand();

The returned value is compared with hardcoded number like this:

.text:000000000040124E push rbp
.text:000000000040124F mov rbp, rsp
.text:0000000000401252 sub rsp, 20h
.text:0000000000401256 mov eax, cs:board
.text:000000000040125C mov edx, eax ; our value
.text:000000000040125E mov esi, 0 ; col
.text:0000000000401263 mov edi, 0 ; row
.text:0000000000401268 call get_value
.text:000000000040126D cmp eax, 68989C40h
.text:0000000000401272 setz al
.text:0000000000401275 movzx eax, al
.text:0000000000401278 mov edi, eax
.text:000000000040127A call assert
.text:000000000040127F ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000000040127F mov eax, cs:dword_603170
.text:0000000000401285 mov edx, eax ; our value
.text:0000000000401287 mov esi, 4 ; col
.text:000000000040128C mov edi, 0 ; row
.text:0000000000401291 call get_value
.text:0000000000401296 cmp eax, 4ED659A2h
.text:000000000040129B setz al
.text:000000000040129E movzx eax, al
.text:00000000004012A1 mov edi, eax
.text:00000000004012A3 call assert
.text:00000000004012A8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00000000004012A8 mov eax, cs:dword_603178
.text:00000000004012AE mov edx, eax
.text:00000000004012B0 mov esi, 6
.text:00000000004012B5 mov edi, 0
.text:00000000004012BA call get_value
.text:00000000004012BF cmp eax, 7BB524E0h
.text:00000000004012C4 setz al
.text:00000000004012C7 movzx eax, al
.text:00000000004012CA mov edi, eax
.text:00000000004012CC call assert
.text:00000000004012D1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00000000004012D1 mov eax, cs:dword_60317C
.text:00000000004012D7 mov edx, eax
.text:00000000004012D9 mov esi, 7
.text:00000000004012DE mov edi, 0
.text:00000000004012E3 call get_value
.text:00000000004012E8 cmp eax, 72B33E08h
.text:00000000004012ED setz al
.text:00000000004012F0 movzx eax, al
.text:00000000004012F3 mov edi, eax
.text:00000000004012F5 call assert
.text:00000000004012FA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00000000004012FA mov eax, cs:dword_60318C
.text:0000000000401300 mov edx, eax
.text:0000000000401302 mov esi, 2
.text:0000000000401307 mov edi, 1
.text:000000000040130C call get_value
.text:0000000000401311 cmp eax, 678DACB0h


First of all, our task is to find this hardcoded numbers. I wrote simple program that does that:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

std::list<std::list<int>> mapping = {
{0, 0, 0x68989C40},
{0, 4, 0x4ED659A2},
{0, 6, 0x7BB524E0},
{0, 7, 0x72B33E08},
{1, 2, 0x678DACB0},
{1, 4, 0x16C64CB9},
{1, 5, 0x776ABFDB},
{1, 6, 0x49025844},
{2, 4, 0x2496CFE6},
{2, 5, 0x7F0845AE},
{2, 7, 0x6E9739BA},
{3, 0, 0x0C24786E},
{3, 2, 0x7F1F38C9},
{4, 0, 0x33AF080},
{4, 1, 0x20AFEC13},
{4, 7, 0x79A4CFE3},
{4, 8, 0x14CAF991},
{5, 6, 0x2A7CEA7F},
{5, 8, 0x0BDB3DFA},
{6, 1, 0x7732CF61},
{6, 3, 0x2D070EB},
{6, 4, 0x702A9DF},
{7, 2, 0x741DEDC1},
{7, 3, 0x1491F67C},
{7, 4, 0x7DF52E16},
{7, 6, 0x1A72C9C4},
{8, 1, 0x7F53CB83},
{8, 2, 0x551B572E},
{8, 4, 0x134A8092},
{8, 8, 0x56063756},

int brute(int row, int col, int find_val) {
int c;
for (int i = 0; i < 0xffffffff; i++) {
srand(13 * ((100 * row + 10 * col + i) ^ 0x2A) % 10067);
c = rand();
if (c == find_val) {
printf("FOUND KEY at [%d, %d] == %d\n", row + 1, col + 1, i);

int main() {
for (auto &elem : mapping) {
std::list<int>::iterator it = elem.begin();
auto v1 = *it;
std::advance(it, 1);
auto v2 = *it;
std::advance(it, 1);
auto v3 = *it;
brute(v1, v2, v3);

return 0;

FOUND KEY at [1, 1] == 1
FOUND KEY at [1, 5] == 6
FOUND KEY at [1, 7] == 8
FOUND KEY at [1, 8] == 5
FOUND KEY at [2, 3] == 5
FOUND KEY at [2, 5] == 8
FOUND KEY at [2, 6] == 3
FOUND KEY at [2, 7] == 1
FOUND KEY at [3, 5] == 1
FOUND KEY at [3, 6] == 2
FOUND KEY at [3, 8] == 9
FOUND KEY at [4, 1] == 9
FOUND KEY at [4, 3] == 7
FOUND KEY at [5, 1] == 5
FOUND KEY at [5, 2] == 3
FOUND KEY at [5, 8] == 8
FOUND KEY at [5, 9] == 9
FOUND KEY at [6, 7] == 3
FOUND KEY at [6, 9] == 5
FOUND KEY at [7, 2] == 4
FOUND KEY at [7, 4] == 6
FOUND KEY at [7, 5] == 2
FOUND KEY at [8, 3] == 6
FOUND KEY at [8, 4] == 1
FOUND KEY at [8, 5] == 9
FOUND KEY at [8, 7] == 7
FOUND KEY at [9, 2] == 2
FOUND KEY at [9, 3] == 1
FOUND KEY at [9, 5] == 3
FOUND KEY at [9, 9] == 4

After that we go to online sudoku solver, enter this values and hit solve.

We fill the board with right values and get the flag :)

Here is my board:



Original writeup (https://github.com/archercreat/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/angstromctf/rev/Masochistic%20Sudoku/README.md).