Tags: web javascript 


For Woooosh we had a clicker game with an obfuscated clicker game.

Looking at the source they use the first shape as the circle.

if (dist(game.shapes[0].x, game.shapes[1].y, x, y) < 10) {

So when we receive the generated shapes we just need to pick the first!

I opened a socket and started by emitting `start`.


Afterwards we just need to listen for events and reply.
Bellow is the clicking function.

socket.on('shapes', shapes => {
socket.emit("click", shapes[0].x, shapes[0].y);

And you'll need this to get the flag.

socket.on('disp', disp => {

Original writeup (https://jmg-duarte.github.io/posts/ctfs/angstrom/woooosh/).