Tags: reversing encryption 


Simple Encryption


I found this small program on my computer and an encrypted file. Can you help me decrypt the file?


We are given two files, the binary (chall) and the encrypted flag (flag.enc). I opened up the binary in Ghidra but it had a long and complicated encryption function that I didn't want to look at yet, so I decided to do some experimenting with the program.

First, let's take a look at flag.enc:

$ xxd flag.enc
00000000: 7921 2331 1b3d 1715 273d 172d 2123 19bd  y!#1.=..'=.-!#..
00000010: ebeb 6dbf 2f21 1f35 bf0d 2115 bf27 2d29  ..m./!.5..!..'-)
00000020: 3537 bf17 2f2d 19bf 1925 3d27 27bf 392f  57../-...%=''.9/
00000030: 3d27 2735 2331 35a3 ebeb 572f 35bf 3327  =''5#15...W/5.3'
00000040: 3d31 bf0d 2115 bf3d 1b35 bf27 2121 292d  =1..!..=.5.'!!)-
00000050: 2331 bf33 211b bf2d 19bf 73b9 0959 9d25  #1.3!..-..s..Y.%
00000060: 1f27 9941 3523 391b 9d1f 179d 9f23 4133  .'.A5#9......#A3
00000070: 9f15 2337 419f 2341 319d 172f 153b bd05  ..#7A.#A1../.;..
00000080: eb

We see a lot of printable characters, but no obvious patterns.

Let's run the program, and do some test encryptions:

$ ./chall

_______ _____ _______  _____         _______
|______   |   |  |  | |_____] |      |______
______| __|__ |  |  | |       |_____ |______

_______ __   _ _______  ______ __   __  _____  _______  _____   ______
|______ | \  | |       |_____/   \_/   |_____]    |    |     | |_____/
|______ |  \_| |_____  |    \_    |    |          |    |_____| |    \_

Use: ./chall <input_file> <output_file>

$ echo "aaaaqwerty" > test.in
$ ./chall test.in test.out

_______ _____ _______  _____         _______
|______   |   |  |  | |_____] |      |______
______| __|__ |  |  | |       |_____ |______

_______ __   _ _______  ______ __   __  _____  _______  _____   ______
|______ | \  | |       |_____/   \_/   |_____]    |    |     | |_____/
|______ |  \_| |_____  |    \_    |    |          |    |_____| |    \_

$ xxd test.out
00000000: 3d3d 3d3d 1d11 351b 170d eb              ====..5....

We see that each a became =, so we know it's a fixed key or operation being used for each byte. With this knowledge, I wrote a script that would encrypt all printable characters and build a map between the character and the encrypted one, and used that to reverse the encryption done to the flag file:

import string
import subprocess

alphabet = string.printable

with open("alpha.in", "w") as f:

subprocess.run(["./chall", "alpha.in", "alpha.out"])

key = {}

with open("alpha.out", "rb") as f:
    for i in range(len(alphabet)):
        key[alphabet[i]] = f.read(1)

in_list = list(key.values())
out_list = list(key.keys())
flag = ""

with open("flag.enc", "rb") as f:
    data = f.read()

for d in data:
    b = bytes([d])
    assert(b in in_list)

    flag += out_list[in_list.index(b)]


When we run the script, we are greeted with the flag:

$ ./solve.py

_______ _____ _______  _____         _______
|______   |   |  |  | |_____] |      |______
______| __|__ |  |  | |       |_____ |______

_______ __   _ _______  ______ __   __  _____  _______  _____   ______
|______ | \  | |       |_____/   \_/   |_____]    |    |     | |_____/
|______ |  \_| |_____  |    \_    |    |          |    |_____| |    \_


I hope you liked this small challenge.

The flag you are looking for is F#{S1mpl3_encr1pt10n_f0und_0n_g1thub!}

Original writeup (https://github.com/captainGeech42/ctf-writeups/tree/master/fireshell2020/simple_encryption).