Tags: excellent_crackme rev 


## 1. Download File

We can download "VolgaCTF_excel_crackme.xlsm" file.

![Download Challenge File](http://about.pwnable.me/CTFtime/0.png)


## 2. Open File

You can use the Excel to open the file.

![Open File](http://about.pwnable.me/CTFtime/1.png)

When the file was opened, a warning about the macro appeared and i try to access the VBA script.

But... I don't know password.

![I don't know password ...](http://about.pwnable.me/CTFtime/2.png)


## 3. Extract the Script

So I extracted the VBA script, using OfficeMalScanner.exe.

OfficeMalScanner.exe VolgaCTF_excel_crackme.xlsm info
OfficeMalScanner.exe VolgaCTF_excel_crackme.xlsm inflate
OfficeMalScanner.exe vbaProject.bin info

I try to read script, but it is really hard...


So I use VBA code Indenter.
[VBA Code Indenter ](https://www.automateexcel.com/vba-code-indenter/)

It is much easier to read using the Code Indenter.

![indented Script](http://about.pwnable.me/CTFtime/4.png)

While reading the script, I found that the script was accessing a specific Cell.

I check Excel VolgaCTF_excel_crackme.xlsm's "Лист1" Sheet Again and Found huge int table .

![i found the 45 * 46 int_table](http://about.pwnable.me/CTFtime/5.png)


## 4. Solution

VBA Script check the flag like my own python psuedocode.

![How does a script check the flag?](http://about.pwnable.me/CTFtime/6.png)


import sys

int_table = [

flag = input()

for i in range(len(flag)) :
flagsum = 0
for j in range(len(flag)) :
int_element = int_table[i][j]
flag_element = ord(flag[j])
flag_sum = flag_sum + int_element * flag_element
if flag_sum != int_table[i][45] :
print("Bad... Try Again!")


I wrote python code(use z3), i can't get flag. but mementomori helped me.

He wrote the python code, and we could get the flag.


from z3 import *

data = [map(int, _.strip().split('\t')) for _ in open('data.txt').readlines()]
flag = [Int('flag{}'.format(i)) for i in range(45)]

s = Solver()

for line in data:
eq = 0
sol = line[-1]
for i, x in enumerate(line[:-1]):
eq += x * flag[i]
s.add(eq == sol)

if s.check() == sat:
print(''.join([chr(s.model()[x].as_long()) for x in flag]))
