Tags: ret2libc
Before starting this one, let's see what kind of defenses are in play
![checksec failed to load](images/checksec.png)
Since we have no stack cookies, but nx stack, my first guess was ret2libc.
Our program takes a gzip file and gunzips it, so our exploit code must be contained in a gzipped file. Otherwise it will error.
The program forks and runs gzip in a child process.
![bin_sh failed to load](images/bin_sh.png)
I noticed that in reading the output back from the child, gets() is being called.
![IDA failed to load](images/ida.png)
That means that if we can overflow the buffer, we get control of EIP. What can we do with that? From the gdb image, we have a hardcoded address for /bin/sh and execl(). So, if we call execl() with /bin/sh, we pop a shell.
Our exploit will look something like this: A bunch of A's | Address of execl() | Junk | Address of /bin/sh | NULL.
This comes out to the following code:
``` python -c 'print "A"*1048+ "\xb0\x90\x04\x08"*2 + "\x0e\xa0\x04\x08"*2 +"\x00"*4```
we then gzip the output, feed it to the program, and.............Nothing.
What happened for me is that my code would run and then exit cleanly. The problem with that is I need an interactive shell to type 'cat flag'.
The solution to this is to run (cat exploit.gz; cat) | ./gunzipasaservice
I made this writeup after the CTF, so the server was not around for me to show the flag being printed :(
However, you can run this locally to verify that it works
![win couldn't load](images/win.png)