
GET Encoded

We have this website that says Machine hunts for more than humand do, Nothing else. But the challenge's name is GET Encode, there must be something to do with the query parameters.


So I sent request to /?aaa=bbb and in the response I got error message that function aaa was undefined. Command execution

So then I tried printf function to check does it takes function arguments? So I sent the request /?printf=test123 and it worked. printf

Then I tried using the shellexec function to execute code but it gave this error. After spending about 20 minutes on REQUEST_URI header, I could not find anything. I have also tried other functions like exec, passthru... file nothing workked. shellexec

Then after URL encoding the parameter's name, I sent the request. So,

  • /?passthru=cat+index.php


After URL ecoding

  • /?%70%61%73%73%74%68%72%75=cat+index.php

url encoding

And it worked. I can execute any command like this so after executing ls command I found these files. There was robots.txt file too that I did not notice before!

After opening the robots.txt file I foudn that we can use /?debug query to get PHP source code! Robots Code

Anyway, I used cat command to read the flag.php file. But it did not allow dots, so I had to URL encode the value as well.



Original writeup (https://github.com/Yash-Amin/virsecconCTF/tree/master/Web/12.%20GET%20Encoded).