

  • In this challenge, We have to find the value so that its md5 hash is equal to 0e953532678923638053842468642408

  • We can use magic hash, because the given hash is in the form of /^0e\d*$/

  • PHP's == comparison, these types of string will be treated as float;

    if ('0e111' == '0e222') {
        echo "True";  // Prints True!
    } else {
        echo "False";
  • So if we submit any magic hash, it will be accepted if the website uses == operator.

  • I have used QLTHNDT, its hash is 0e405967825401955372549139051580


  • After submitting it, I got the flag!


Original writeup (https://github.com/Yash-Amin/virsecconCTF/tree/master/Web/3.%20Magician).