Tags: xor script 


<h1 align="center">Script</h1>

<h3>Quick Run 75 points</h3>

You gotta go fast!

Download the files below: quick_run.zip

``` shell
For this challenge, i use python and zbarimg.

``` python
import os
import re

flag = []

for i in range(31):
number = os.popen("zbarimg -q "+str(i)+".png").read()
flag.append(''.join(re.findall(r"[-+]?\d+", number)))
print flag

for code in flag:
print "".join(chr(int(code))),

# Flag: LLS{zbarimg_makes_qrcodes_easy}

<h3>2xPAD 100 points</h3>

The latest and greatest encryption scheme, “two-time pad” is twice as secure as one time pads. Check it out!

Download the files below: encrypted_one.png and encrypted_two.png

``` shell
For this challenge, i use convert of imagemagick.
convert encrypted_one.png encrypted_two.png -fx "((255-u)&v)|(u&(255-v))" flag_xor.png

Flag: LLS{dont_reuse_your_keys}

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Original writeup (https://github.com/Ne0Lux-C1Ph3r/WRITE-UP/blob/master/VirSecCon%20CTF/Script/index.md).