
# matrix X matrix (pwn 175)

## Description

Matrix is magic!!!
nc 31337


## The bugs

In main, the program gets the size of the matrix from user. This value, however, can be negative.

printf("Hello %s \nThat is a program of matrix multiplication\n", name_buf);
puts("Enter the size of matrix");
__isoc99_scanf((__int64)"%d", (__int64)&v38);
v43 = v38 - 1LL;
v35 = 0LL;
v34 = 8LL * v38;
v44 = v38 - 1LL;
v32 = v38;
v33 = 0LL;
v30 = v38;
v31 = 0LL;
v3 = alloca(16 * ((8 * v38 * (signed __int64)v38 + 22) / 16uLL));
v45 = 8 * (((unsigned __int64)&v9 + 7) >> 3);
v42 = abs(v38);
for ( i = 0; i < v42; ++i )
for ( j = 0; j < v42; ++j )
printf("Enter the (%d,%d) element of the first matrix : ", i, j);
__isoc99_scanf((__int64)"%lld", 8 * (j + ((unsigned __int64)v34 >> 3) * i) + v45);

In above code, we can see that `v34` is computed with possibly negative `v38`, which yields a memory corruption in `scanf`'s frame. Specifically, when `8 * (j + ((unsigned __int64)v34 >> 3) * i)` is -8, we overwrite the return address of `scanf`.

## Exploit

We use the bug twice:

1. Leak out the address of `puts` which lets us to calculate the libc base address, then return back to main.
2. Use libc base address to calculate address of `system`, and return to it. We store our command in the name buffer.

When exploiting the bug, we can send a hyphen (-) to prevent `scanf` from writing any value, thus preserving the original stack contents until we get to the return address.

for the full exploit.

## Flag

Flag: `hitcon{tH4nK_U_4_pL4y1nG_W17H_3Bp_M47R1X}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/pwning/public-writeup/blob/master/hitcon2015/pwn175-matrix/writeup.md).