Tags: statistics 


# Benford's Law Firm, LLC

## Description

> Someone's faking their finances. Can you figure out which file has fake financial data?

A zip is joined.

## Solution

We unzip the file and this gives us hundreds of CSV files, with each a different flag as their name. They look like this


I find that there is no mathematical relations between the numbers. So I try to see if the title might be a hint, and yes, Benford's Law is a statistics law (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benford%27s_law). It says that the first digit of a series of integers follows Benford's Law, and for example `1`is more common than `2`. And this can be used to detect falsified data, which will not follow the law.

So my script is as follows. For each CSV file, I get all of the numbers, and extract their first digits. I then calculate the frequency of each number. I then compare it to the fraquency expected by Benford's law using chi square method. The falsified data is the one that is farthest from the law.

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from os import listdir

files = listdir('/path/to/csvs')

result = {}

for file in files:

filename = '/path/to/csvs' + file

data =[]
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for l in f:
data.append(int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, l.split(',')[1]))[0])) # get the first digit of each line
except Exception:

found = [data.count(c)/len(data) for c in range(1, 10)] # found frequency in the file

expected = [0.301030, 0.176091, 0.124939, 0.096910, 0.079181, 0.066947, 0.057992, 0.051153, 0.045757] # Expected frequency by Benford's law

chisq, p= stats.chisquare(found, f_exp=expected) # Calculate statistical difference

result[filename] = chisq

for k in sorted(result, key=result.get):
print(k, result[k]) # Print filename with their difference from the law, sorted so the one in bottom is the falsified

The last line printed is `DawgCTF{L3g@lly_D1s7ribu73d_St@t1st1c5_641}.csv 0.6609641030990201`. This one has a chi square twice as big the other files.

Flag: `DawgCTF{L3g@lly_D1s7ribu73d_St@t1st1c5_641}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/apoirrier/CTFs-writeups/blob/master/Dawg2020/Forensics/benford_law_firm.md).