Welcome! We're trying to hack into Burke Defense Solutions & Management, and we need your help. Can you help us find the CTO's password somewhere on the internet and use it to log in to the corporate site?
Since we had already found out that the CTO is Royce Joyce, read chal2 writeup for deets. We go through his page for deets. Isabela Baker is another CTO but she is a red herring.
On his page we find out skayou is great and if you scroll down on his page his first post was “I love skayou” so definitely his password leak in the breach, let’s find out using the databreach option on the home page of this challenge:
As expected we got his credentials in the skayou breach, now we just need to login on the corporate’s website, On logging in we get the flag!
That was the last writeup for the pentest challenges, hope you had fun reading them! ?